Name: Solomon Fenix Age: 17 Nickname(s): The Phoenix, Sol (Pronounced like Saul) Clique: Jocks Appearance:[img=] Crush: TBD Personality: Comes off as confident and good-natured. He's also somewhat of an optimist, preferring to look on the bright side but also acknowledges the bad. Constantly told he's humble despite about "fame" but this is actually because he secretly has an inferiority complex that he won't acknowledge and does his best to hide. Due to the complex he can be intense and reckless, constantly pushing himself hard without any real regard for his own limitations or consequences. Relationship Status: Single Hobbies/Interest: Basketball, Music, Also a bit of a movie junkie and a gamer. Short Bio: Solomon was born into an relatively normal Middle class family, A mother, father, and younger twin siblings. Solomon's father was a military man and even though Solomon wouldn't see him all the time he still had a very close relationship with his father. Whenever the man was home they'd play basketball and his father would and play his guitar, instilling both a love for the sport and music into Solomon at a young age. He grew up with the goal of simply making his father proud. His father unfortunatel was killed in action shortly after the twins were born and while they were too young to be badly affected, it messed Solomon up for years.Even though he literally had no control over the situation he blamed himself for the death and this is what caused him to gain his inferiority complex. He was in middle school at the time and it got so bad that he had to be pulled out of school for while because of his grief. During his downtime Solomon eventually got back into the game of Basketball and began really pushing himself to be good. He went back to school to finish up and came back a new man but remained off the radar until he entered Northlane. On the urging of his mother, he tried out for basketball and made the team and became famous after his first game freshman year. His family tragedy was pretty well known locally and he had been on the team in junior high but was average at best, but the skill he showed during the game was a phenomenal improvement no one anticipated. This caused him to gain fame and the nickname "The Phoenix" as a play on his last name and how he had excelled while he overcame his tragedy. He was shooting hoops in the gym after school like he usually did when the storm hit. Still doesn't there stuck inside yet. Other: Wears his dad's dog tag. Usually seen with a pair of [url=]V-Moda Crossfade headphones[/url]