Katarina opened her eye from her sleep and noticed how dark it is in her room, then she realized it was daytime by the heat shone by the gleaming sunlight through the windows, she sighed and pull her Japanese book away from her face, she seem to have fallen asleep when she was reading the Japanese Novel. Katarina have been preparing herself to go Japan by knowing how to communicate in Japanese when the SEED executive came to her door step to notify her about the SEED operation and such few weeks ago. At first, Katarina refused the offer but she was inspired by one of the SEED operatives later on, where she agreed to join SEED finally. Today will be the day she will be transported from Moscow to Japan by a private jet owned by SEED. She re-check to make sure everything is in order, her belongings to her new home. When she finally done packing up, she received a phone call that some people will be sent to pick her up. It just took fifteen minutes to travel from Moscow to Japan, Katarina was quite surprised at how SEED company technologies were so advanced compared to other places. Despite that the academy is very big and dull when she first glanced but when she went in the building, she just stared with her mouth open in amazement. She saw a lot people working and the technology is what really interest her, like a fast moving lift with no sound and no string to pull them up or down. She was interrupted not long after though, "Please Miss Katarina, follow me to your orientation class." She nodded and followed the guy to her class. Before she go into her class, she took out her phone, connecting her earphone to her ears as she don't really seem interested in interacting just yet. She took a deep breath and opened the door, taking her first look at her future classmates. There were five person in the room as she observe their behavior before she takes her seat. The first person she saw was the one with blue hair, a local Japanese, probably and she seemed agitated for some reason. As she turned a bit to her left, she noticed a girl with brown haired girl with dual ponytail like the one she saw earlier but, the one thing that interests Katarina most is that she is confident that this person is from the same country from her, Mother Russia. Katarina wanted to say "Privet" to her but decided to learn their behavior more before making a move. She continued to scan the classroom and noticed a short blue haired girl on a wheel chair. The girl seem to lost both her legs but she seemed happy to have her ice cream, Katarina felt sympathy towards her. Although the girl have a serious look and was observing the classroom like she did, her clothing and movements gave it away that she is a lazy and relaxed person, Katarina just smiled and continued to observe the classroom while walking to her seat. The next person she saw has yellow skin, a Chinese. As for as Katarina, she would have thought that she know some kung fu and was expected to see it soon in the class too, as for the last person she saw, a shy girl who took the seat behind of the class. She took the final seat to the left near the window behind of everyone else so that, she will make sure no one will stare at her without her knowing. She took out her Japanese Novel and continued reading while looking at the bright blue Japanese Sky and listening to J-pop. Katarina just smiled and wish for something interesting to happen soon.