After the door had been slammed into his face and he had let a loud yelp of pain, he had stuck his hands over the side of his face. That was kinda the place that took the most blunt force of it, so. Well, I guess that’s one way to make a first impression on someone, huh? He didn’t mind too much though, he was sure it was just a accident, plus he guessed thats what he getted for sitting right by the door like that. He looked up at the other when they had gasped after noticing what they did. They seemed really nervous and surprised, maybe a little embarrassed too. They were stuttering up a storm and and he swore if the guys eyes went anyway wider they'd pop out of his head. They were probably guessing that Arvo might be a little peeved, for multiple reasons. Though honestly he was just glad he finally showed up despite the not-so-nice introduction. Arvo just gave the other a awkward smile before he tried to get back onto his feet. When had stumbled onto his feet he just absentmindedly went back to rubbing his cheek. It wasn't even hurting anymore, it was more a nervous thing now and he just hasn't noticed yet. " U-Uh! No, no, is okay! Is.. Is just face, not is like important, right? " He said, trying to make a joke to calm the other down and lighten the mood just a little. Hes not completely sure it was working though. Though hey! He was finally going to get shown around, at least! There was going to slightly less of a chance of him totally getting lost in this school tomorow when he starts classes. So that was good, even if this did end up being like s u p e r awkward. ” So, you is Jack then, yes? Well uh, nice to meet, despite the.. Door thing.. ” He said, nervously just sticking out his hand towards him.. Would be shaking their hand be weird? Like, was that too formal or something? Well, too late now he guessed because he had already stuck his hand out, so he kind of just had to hope. Though honestly, despite his worries, it probably wasn't that big of a deal.