James thought for a moment. "Well, let's see... How do I explain this? Think of them as intelligent pets: they trust you to feed them, care for them, heal them when they're injured, and otherwise be a friend to them." He reached down and scratched Espeon behind the ears, which was met with very clear enjoyment. "In exchange, the Pokemon pledge themselves to you and work to protect you when you need them. They can be friends, allies, partners... Whatever you want to call them, it's just like any other bond you forge over time." He looked at her seriously now. "But like any other bond, if you're mean to your Pokemon, they'll often return it in kind. Always make sure, even if you have nothing else, that you love your Pokemon. If you give them your best, they'll give their best too." He and Espeon smiled at each other as the group finally passed through the entryway into Aquecorde Town. James led the way as he directed Penelope to a small cafe. "Let's see now... I think he said he'd be- Ah, that must be him." Up ahead sat a [url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/8/81/XY_Professor_Sycamore.png/200px-XY_Professor_Sycamore.png]man in a white lab coat[/url], sipping a glass of tea. He glanced up as the three of them approached and waved. "Hello there!" he said warmly. "Are you, by chance, looking for me?" "I think we might be," James answered. "Are you Professor Sycamore?" "The very same!" he said with a flourish. James nodded. "I'm James, and this is Espeon." He motioned to Espeon, who hopped up onto the table and struck a pose. James sighed, but the professor smiled. "Well, a pleasure to meet you both. And you are?" he asked, motioning to Penelope.