Awesome.~ Name: Shaylee Fischer, Shay for short Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Her red eyes are due to a genetic disorder, and she cannot see very well without contacts/glasses. [hider=With Magi][img=][/hider] [hider=Without Magi][img=][/hider] Personality: Shay is painfully shy and terribly awkward, but she is very kind and loving to those who do happen to become close to her. She is generally sarcastic, and may accidentally come off on as mean when she meant to be joking. She is perpetually tired, caused by her insomnia, and can be very spacey and easily frightened if surprised. She is always a little bit on edge, though has been known to loaf around on vacation days. She enjoys sweets, cute animals, and horror mangas. Brief Backstory: Shaylee lived with her single father after her mother was killed by the Nephilim. She did particularly well in her academics, though she has trouble with sports and making friends. After being offered the position as a MagiTech Girl, she was on the fence until her father persuaded her to join, reminding her that with this power she could protect others. Abilities: Shaylee is intelligent, often using out-of-the-box methods to fight. She's not very strong, but is good at long range fighting. Powers: Shaylee's powers revolve around specific magnetism and metal. Her dagger-like weapons aren't actually connected to her suit, they simply float behind her when in use or snap into the armor when not needed. She is only able to tune into one kind of metal at once, however, which is usually her armor and daggers. Weapon(s): Shaylee's weapon of choice is a set of six large dagger-like blades. She is able to wield these at short range as hand weapons, or long range as throwing knives. She can also bring them together to form a small shield. She is also able to embed the daggers into opponents and then manipulate them to drag them towards or away from her using magnetic force.