___Moments passed, and the lights faded from the sky. An erie silence was all that was left of the glimmers of hope that had passed. Small creatures who had seen these lights, now lowered their heads, feeling their hope sink into despair. ___However, miles away, several youths now appeared- most huddled against themselves as though having fallen. One, who looked thoroughly confused, had seemingly landed in a small stream nearby. The forest around them was silent, and tall, straight trees stood all about. However, something was not quite right- the ends of the branches, if they could be seen, seemed to end in bare, exposed coils of copper, and plastic rings seemed affixed to the bases of the trees. On the other side of the stream, laying in ruin with a layer of moss covering it, was a large glass tube of some sort, capped with a bulging dome. The end opposite the dome had a black cylindrical object wedged within, from which two equally separated pin like projections stuck. ___Despite the silence of this scene, the humans were not alone. Amongst the brush surrounding the small clearing in which they had landed, several small creatures now stood, looking on with mixed expression.