Nicholas was currently busy with his experiment a drugged up thug that belonged to Penguin judging by his clothes,"Wakey wakey eggs and bacey" The young man said slapping the thug on the face who started to shriek at the top of his lungs trying move around but wasn't going far since he was stuck to the chair by some rope tying him to the said chair."Where the the hell am i....ah get the maggots off of me..." The thug said yelling and moving around but was promptly smacked in the face by Nichloas turning around to his workbench putting on his late father's syringe claws finally digging them into the man's flesh injecting him with his improved version of the fear gas,"Shut and if you behave then i might let you go..." He said before he hear something going under his doorway. He smacked the man once more before turning around and heading to the doorway reading the note under his door studying and questioning if he should go or that it might be a trap by his enemies,"Mhm if i go then it could be a trap and my new toy might escape....but if i don't go then....mhm this might be a good time to show off my new fear gas..." He said now putting the note away and walking to his closet putting on his new scarecrow costume and the new Scarecrow mask that looked like a sack but was made of something to protect his face and has a breather and voice changer to make him even more frightening.He turned to the thug smiling under the mask before letting him go bringing him along until they reached the ground floor and Nicholas threw him into a back alley and left to the warehouse where the note said to go.