[quote=Savo] -Eien : Heavenly Host = 1st Floor, East Hall-As Eien watched the boy began doing something even more horrific to the body of the girl. His eyes widened in sheer horror at what that scraggly boy was doing and felt powerless to stop him from further desecrating her body. He couldn't do a thing against him if he was unarmed and would most likely end up getting murdered by him too in the same grisly manner. Eien pondered in curious dread what he was going to do with this body parts, and he swore he heard something that sounded like sobbing coming from the general area. Was that boy... remorseful? Eien couldn't exactly tell as the corpse squelched even more red ichor from its mutilated body. He gagged to keep himself from throwing up out of fear from the nauseating scene he just saw. He swallowed the bile back down, before hearing the boy finish taking the body parts. He watched as he began putting the body parts into a strange brown bag, before saying his condolences to her about survival, and leaving the body to rot.That feel of dread turned into one of anger as he discern what the boy was going to do with those body parts... Dane cannibal. He felt he would need to keep a look out for him when he neared infirmary as he didn't want to walk in on him dissecting Mayuris body. He put that out of his mind as he moved from his hiding spot and stared at the girls body. He slowly walked towards the body, doing his best not to make a sound. As he got closer to the corpse, he stared at the butchered body in sheer sadness that he didn't even try to stop him. He was filled with regret, and pushed those feeling out of his mind. Eien had to keep a courageous mask on his face, along with a determined and clear mind. Even when thinking about it, he would never do something as horrible as eating his own friend for survival. He would rather die from starvation than perform such a horrendous task as that. He continued to walk towards the body, and staring down at the girl, feel in a bit of languish as he looked at her corpse."I'm so sorry that I didn't stop him from doing this to your body... Please forgive me Kohnaku for my cowardly act... I should of stopped him. I... I may of not known you, but I'm sorry that you had to fall to such a horrid fate."As he said his words of sympathy to the dead, he gave a brief prayer to the girl be for moving on. There was nothing he could really do at this point, except complete the tasks that he laid before him. He traversed down the hallway, and into the west part of the hall. He took a look back at the corpse before continuing down the hallway, keeping a look out on if the school began to change how it looked. Eien began looking for another set of stairs that he could use to ascend to the second floor so he could possibly make it to where Seikos ID was. He wouldn't make a repeat of what he did previously and constantly kept a sharp eye for any inconsistencies. Once he found the stares, he would slowly walk up the stairs instead of quickly walking up in case he noticed something out of place.((Eternal sharp eye ftw! Stupidity shall not be the only option!)) [/quote] Eien easily made it to the stairs without incident. Upon his ascent, there wasn't anything out of place nor did there seem to be anything shifty. Both unease and safety seemed to combine around this area, giving it a certain neutrality - a sharp contrast to the rest of the building. The stairs were relatively clear of debris and, aside from the window showing the onslaught of rain outside and the trees, there was nothing really in the staircase. Although, there was a faint, white light coming from deep within the forest, though it disappeared before Eien could get a proper glance, should he have chosen to investigate. As he ascended the second set of stairs, he found himself in a hallway that lead straight north from his position. It was a long hall, and, due to the darkness, it was impossible to determine the length of said hallway. There were several pieces of paper attached to a wall near the staircase, with each containing messages like "You can't trust them" and "She's going to kill you" and plenty of other ominous passages. Further up the hall, Eien could make out a door, most probably leading to a classroom, though from this distance it was hard to tell. Just like most other areas in the building, the place showed heavy signs of wear and decay, as floorboards creaked with age (some of which were missing or 'uprooted') and paint peeled from the ceiling and walls. There were no bodies to be found in this part of the hallway, however a lone, purple light flowed dimly in the distance. It appeared as though it were moving away from him, as the light got smaller and dimmer over time until it was finally lost in the darkness. (You're in the west hallway on the second floor that leads to the three classrooms and the staircase which takes you to the third floor, just so you know)