- [u]What You need to know [/u] - [hider=Present Time] [u]Current Setting[/u]: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/346/3/b/systems_alliance_symbol_by_engorn-d46z6sz.png[/img] [b]Earth States[/b](FALLOUT): Centuries after the nuclear holocaust, earth created a space program to establish itself as a space power. New to galactic politics, the Earth has been admitted into the Citedel Council where it is able to aid the Council against dangers that the Covenant, Helghast, or terminus system brings to them. The Citedel does not like genetically modified humans. It is technically illegal, but since it's so deeply integrated into earth culture, they've made earth an exception to that law, similar to how batarians are still allowed to use slave labor. Currently, the Systems Alliance are the Citedel's first line of attack and defense against the Covenant and Helghast empires. The Systems Alliance eagerly accepted this, believing that it is the only way to prove they're value to the Citedel. [b]Systems Alliance[/b](MASS EFFECT): The united representative body for Earth states. Because Earth governments is so decentralized, the Systems Alliance acts as the single uniting entity. Backed by every major state, the Systems Alliance is in charge of Earth's space military and navy. [b]Earth Colonies[/b]: The Citedel is very wary to which planets humans may colonize. With the Mars alliance and Helghast empire already having so many planets, the Citedal have asked earth to colonize only in the Attican Traverse. The Attican lies right between Citedel controlled space and the Terminus systems. It is referred to as “The New Frontier” because the Terminus system is so filled with lawlessness. The Attican traverse is extremely susceptible to pirate raids, but Earth colonies have proven themselves efficient in terms of self protection. XXX [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/257/9/0/Halo_UNSC_by_counterfox.jpg[/img] [b]Mars Alliance [/b](RED FACTION): The largest human faction. It comprises has over 300 planets with a total population of 30 billion. The Mars alliance began as the colonial alliance, which was established before the Earth Nuclear war. The Mars alliance was the governmental body that discovered the Promethean ruins on Mars which allowed for humans to rapidly accelerate their technology by roughly 200 years. [b]United Nations Space Command [/b](HALO): The UNSC is the military, exploratory, and scientific agency of the Mars Alliance. Rapidly growing, it was responsible for the rapid human expansion and is now in charge of the fight against the Covenant empire. [b]Martian Colonies[/b]: With over 300 planets, the colonies are divided between inner and outer colonies. Before the Covenant attacked, the outer colonies were in the middle of an independence movement. Now, the outer colonies have been virtually abandoned by the central government, whom now believe it is to exhausting to stretch supplies and protection between all those distant planets. XXX [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/288/5/8/helghast_flag_by_scottishsocialist-d5hvyuv.png[/img] [b]Helghast Empire [/b](KILLZONE): The Helghast empire is an extremely militaristic, supremacist nation that exists in the Alpha Centari system. The refuse any talks of diplomacy, and attack any species that enters their system. [b]Eden[/b] (LOST PLANET/GEARS OF WAR): The Helghast home world is populated by several hostile aliens that leave near the equator. They are mostly arachnid, and attack anyone that enters their territories. The Helghan empire stays clear from these aliens homelands, not considered worth the risk. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPcQZewjMqw] Outside of Helghan territory, there are city-states that do not answer to Helghast law. These states have little contact with the galactic community, but appear to live relatively peaceful lives on the hostile planet. (LOST PLANET) [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLE5_zkIbzA] Following E-day, the south pole was invaded by a ruthless race of mutants known as the Locust(GEARS OF WAR). After Eden planet was getting warmer from the frontier project technology(LOST PLANET) a new resource called imusion was discovered in the South Pole. The resource was able to provide limitless clean energy and a civil war broke out for the resource. The South Pole seceded from the Helghan empires and seperatists and loyalists fought for seventy years for the resource. After the war ended the Locust rose from under earth, exterminating all the humans from the weakened region. Locust weren't able to push outside the southern hemisphere, but they still inhabit the South Pole of Eden to this day. [b]Helghast Population Growth[/b]: After the Second Extrasolar war(2357) during Helghast's succession movement, it was realized that Helghast would need a larger population to compete with Mar's booming population. Because Helghast did not have to resources to compete with Mars in colonization, Helghast worked to increase the populations on their system's planets. Helghast began implementing fertility drugs in all of the citizen's foods. The result was a rise in twin births. After years of population growth, there is now a 50% chance that Helghan citizens will conceive twins. There is a 16% chance that triplets will be conceived, a 5% chance that quadruplets will be born, and a 1% chance that quintuplets will be born. [b]Helghast Colonies[/b]: In 2511, Helghast establishes a secret base in Pluto in an attempt to create a command center that would ultimately attack the Mars Alliance. It was discovered, however, that the planet was actually a mass relay, and it could be used to travel to far reaches of the galaxy. The Mass relays were used in secret to colonize distant planets. In 2519: The Helghast empire was attacked by a Turian fleet, igniting an ongoing war between Helghast and the Citedel Council. In 2523: Pluto was lost by the Helghast empire. Colonization from the Helghan empire from Alpha Centari have ended. There are, however, still city-states outside Helghast empire that continue to grow. Currently, there are two dozen planets that have Helghast city-states outside the Helghan home solar system.. XXX [img]http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120326172321/masseffect/images/8/89/WA_Spectre.png[/img] [u]Citedel Council[/u](MASS EFFECT): A unison of [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Codex/Aliens:_Council_Races]species [/url]throughout the Galaxy that work together to ensure there is stability throughout the Galaxy. They use ancient alien technology known as, "Mass Relays" to connect different species across the galaxy. [img]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100921232230/halo/images/9/95/Halo1_-_Covenant_Symbol.png[/img] [u]Covenant[/u](HALO): an invading alien force that works to wipe out all humans, and to indoctrinate all Citadel species into their empire. XXX [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/040/0/b/commish___nautical05_by_imdrunkontea-d396wkj.jpg[/img] [u]Conduits[/u]: A type of human that is born with supernatural powers. [b]On Earth[/b]: conduits make up [b]sixty percent[/b] of the population. Conduits on earth are seen as “privileged” and tend to believe that they need to use their powers to protect the weak (aka, non super powered people.) The conduit population on earth is high because of the nuclear holocaust that occurred on earth. Conduits were best suited to survive the harsh wastelands (survival of the fittest). Marriage between conduit and non-conduits is greatly encouraged and romanticized. [b]In the Mars Alliance[/b]: Conduits are seen as terrorists. It is illegal to be free and be a conduit. All conduits are forced to turn themselves in, where they will often be used for cruel experimentation purposes. In the outer colonies, however, Conduits are equal to non-conduits. In fact, the conduits that fought during the outer colony independence movements are highly respected. [b]In the Helghast Empire[/b]: Conduits are seen as “diseased” and ordered to be killed on sight. This is because conduits are in reality superior, and high ranking military officers are threatened that Conduits might amass too much influence. [b]On Eden[/b]: Outside of Helghast territories, Conduits make up a large portion of the population. Conduits were among the first bulk of immigrant labor to be sent to the planet. During times of crisis, when outlaw was rampant , humans would flee and ask aid from conduits in the hopes that their superpowers would give them protection against the planets hostile dangers. When the Helghast empire came to power and began executing non-supporters, only conduits and they're allies were able to flee from the Helghan military police. This lead to much interracial marriage and children between conduits and humans. After many decades, Conduits now make up a total of [b]forty percent[/b] of Eden population. [/hider] [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/335/9/4/as_the_pieces_fall_i_count_them_all_by_lonefirewarrior-d5mp5h2.jpg[/img] [hider=Military Strengths] [u]Mars Alliance[/u]: 300 Planets that total a population of 30 billion. There are 20 Billion humans in the 100 planets that live in the inner colonies and 10 billion humans populated in the 200 outer colonies. Before the Covenant war, the outer colonies were attempting to secede from the Martian Alliance. The outer colonies ended their attempts of secession after they decided it was best for humanity to stand united against the covenant empire. [u]UNSC[/u]: By 2525, Mars Allience regular army consists of: Regular infantry: seven billion soldiers: Anyone sixteen or over are allowed to enlist: Wear standard MJOLNIR armor: takes 14 weeks of training to complete Marines: eight hundred million soldiers: Anyone over sixteen may tryout: Wear standard MJOLNIR armor: takes 28 weeks of training to complete ODST/Spec Ops: forty nine million soldiers: Wear standard MJOLNIR with added adjustments: must be hand picked by marines or infantry for this promotion. Nobles: seven million soldiers: Must enlist between the age of twelve and fifteen: Wear Advanced MJOLNIR armor with advanced augmentations: takes four years of training to complete: HeadHunters: Four hundred thousand soldiers: are handpicked from Nobles: Noble armor with more specialized settings: they function as more advanced spec ops Spartans: eight thousand soldiers: are picked by a unique gene pool, trained at a young age by the government to be super soldiers: Trained at birth until the age of twenty: Most advanced armor and augmentations possible by the Mars alliance. The Mars allience secretly used conduits in the ORION project as well. Guardians: five hundred: are conduits with spartan armor. Indoctrinated at a young age to serve the alliance. Using power transfer technology, these conduits have electric, flaming, ice, and telekenetic abilities. Although they aren't augmented like the spartan are(augmentations wouldn't work since they aren't compatible with conduit powers), guardian's specialized powers allow for them to enter more hazardous situations then spartans. Oftentimes, a guardian will work under a group of Spartans. Zeus:Zodiac twelve : Shape shifting soldiers in mech armored suits, they are meant to single handedly destroy armies. These are people that are as powerful as Alex Mercer. Ancient: People who have had they're DNA altered in some way by ancient aliens (DEAD SPACE/METROID). There are only four know people who are ancients. It is unknown whether they are paid mercenaries of the alliance or have been conscripted into their ranks. [u]Helghast empire[/u]: Because of their militaristic rule, the majority of they're population are brought up into military training. The entire population is on par with UNSC Nobles. Helghan soldiers all have a wide variety of plasmids and vigors. They avoid using augmentations because maintenance is very difficult on the Helghast planet's harsh conditions. [b]Planet Eden:[/b] The Helghast Empire currently has [b]five billion[/b] citizens that mostly inhabit the north pole of the planet Eden. The South Pole is controlled by an isolationist mutant race known as the locust. Between the pole regions are largely considered wastelands since they don't carry any valuable resources. Independent city-states exist in these wastelands, most of which have heavy defenses thanks to their high conduit populations. [b]Helghast Colonies[/b]: The Helghast empire has lost all contact with their colonies, but their colonies still hold Helghan ideology and principles. Currently there are two dozen Helghan colonies that are hostile to any non-Helghan species. Populations vary from thousands to millions, the total population of Helghan colonies is estimated to be at [b]one billion[/b] all together. Most of the Helghan colonies have little or no contact with each other. When they do, they normally fight amongst themselves for leadership. [u]Systems Alliance[/u]: Due to the decentralized earth governments, Systems Alliance military is very decentralized, putting more emphasis on the individual than the unit. There is a 24 week training period prior to joining the Systems Alliance military. The true strength of the systems alliance infantry is dependent on a soldiers training prior to joining they Systems Alliance. Prior training varies from region to region. Ceasar's Legion from the midwest are famous for their close quarters spear combat. Knights from Angle-terra live under a strict code of chivalry. Samurai are taught bushido, Alaskan tribals are masters of crossbow and arrow weapons. Uniforms are often altered to reflect a soldiers homeland. Each region of earth teaches combat differently, making the Systems Alliance a diverse unison of cultures. [b]Attican Traverse[/b]: Often called "The New Frontier", the Attican Traverse lies just on the edge of Citedel controlled space. Because it's so loosely controlled and highly vulnerable to Terminus pirate attacks, Earth has no restrictions against colonizing that region. While earth has a population of [b]five billion[/b], the Attican Traverse has a dozen earthling colonies with the populations totaling [b]one billion.[/b] On earth, unlike the Mars Alliance, all citizens are allowed to carry weapons. Due to Earth's apocalyptic history, most citizens have firearm training. Only Regulators, earth police, are allowed to possess laser weapons. Plasma weapons are reserved for military. Plasma weapons do more damage but fire at a slower rate, laser weapons fire at a higher rate but do less damage. Two advantages that the Earth have over the Mars Alliance are it's energy weapons and it's Tennno Branch. [b]Energy Weapons:[/b] Following the apocalypse, the Mars Alliance lost all technology of energy based weapons. Only earth had the opportunity savage and rediscover the technology. [b]Tenno Branch:[/b] The most skilled special operations units in the galaxy. Using unknown alien technology research from pre-war earth, the Systems Alliance now has a special operations unit exclusive to their own Alliance. Warframes are created using a rare element known as E99. Due to the lack of element, dangerous properties of it, and it's excruciating costs, most of the current Warframes are actually pre-used suits from before the nuclear war on earth. Earth has the means to create them, and will do so upon necessity, but can only create them in very small amounts. [u]Citadel Council[/u]: Due to the rising tensions, the council lifts the military limitations on it's member species. [b]Limited Energy Weapons:[/b] Although the Citadel Council would prefer it for Earth to share their energy technology secrets with them, it has been agreed that Earth may keep the secrets of the technology in their own hands. This policy is in place to ensure that laser technology isn't shared with the Helghan empire, Martian alliance, or terminus system pirates. Earth is allowed to distribute energy weapons to Citedel Council police and military. Like earth, only police are allowed laser weapons and military are allowed plasma weapons. Energy weapons aren't issued to everyone. They must be purchased by the officer, the officer must have a license approved by the systems alliance, licensing procedure is excruciating, and requires a background check. The price for an energy weapon is so high they often seen more as a symbol of status then a weapon of warfare. It is much easier to obtain an energy weapon as an earthling, they are issued as standard weaponry to earthling law enforcement and soldiers. Specters are primary users of energy technology among Citedel Council members. Energy weapons are designed to be fragile. They will short-circuit, burn, and shatter if they are taken apart in any way other then for ammo reload. They can only be repaired at an earthling factory. These precautions may seem strict, but it has ensured for the last ten years that no one outside Citadel Council has access to energy weapons technology. [u]Covenant[/u] With over one thousand warships at their disposal, the Covenant armada has the largest military in the galaxy. Although they don't know about Mass Relays, nor the Citedel Council, they are focusing all their resources on the extermination of humanity. [/hider] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/161/a/f/trust_i_seek_and_i_find_in_you_by_lonefirewarrior-d531rsc.jpg[/img] [b]Setting[/b]: The year is 2537, you have found yourself in the middle of the Martian metropolis during the most controversial debate of the decade. As mars debates whether it should withdraw it's resources out of the outer colonies, a Covenent fleet attacks the planet of New Constantinople, an outer UNSC colony. In this RPG you make your own characters. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Code-Name:[/b] (Optional) [b]Age:[/b] [b]Species[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Hired by:[/b] (Insert government/faction here) [b]Powersuit:[/b] (Mercenaries are able to buy powersuits from any faction. What powersuit do you have?) (Optional) [b]Favorite Weapon:[/b] (Optional, make something up!) [b]Powers:[/b] (Check rules under "power") (Optional) [b]Sub-Culture:[/b](Optional)(What region/culture does your character come from? Make something up!) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Backstory:[/b] [hider=Governments] [b]There are five major government factions:[/b] [i]Covenent[/i] (HALO): an invading alien force known in the Halo universe. They're aim is to extinguish all humans, and to indoctrinate Citadel species into they're empire. [i]Mars Alliance [/i](UNSC) : The Primary human faction. They have over 300 planets with a population of 30 billion. Their capital planet is Mars, and though they call themselves martians, they are best known for they're legendary spartan warriors. (HALO) [i]Halghast Empire [/i](KILLZONE) : a small cluster of planets that seceded the Mars alliance. Their home planet is Eden. They are extremely militaristic due to the deadly climate and the hostile inhabitants that live there (Akrid from LOST PLANET). [i]Earthlings[/i] (FALLOUT) : A planet Separate from the Mars Alliance due to it's destructive history. Although it has suffered from a nuclear holocaust, they have recently been accepted into the Citadel Council. Although earth does not represent humanity as a whole, Earth is now the center of trade between the Mars alliance and Citedel council. [i]Citedel Council [/i](MASS EFFECT): A unison of [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Codex/Aliens:_Council_Races]species [/url]throughout the Galaxy that work together to ensure there is stability throughout the Galaxy. They use ancient alien technology known as, "Mass Relays" to connect different species across the galaxy. [/hider] [hider=Mercenaries] [b]Mercenary Factions:[/b] [i]Mercenaries factions[/i]: perhaps the "free-est" faction in the galaxy. They have no racial boundaries, they can be hired any time anywhere by any faction. [i]Master's Army[/i]: Made up of only Necro-humans and Meta-humans (Necro-humans are ghouls from Fallout, Meta-humans are super mutants from fallout). An organization that existed since the nuclear war on earth, this faction believes they are superior to standard and conduit humans. With they're massive amounts of funding from the terminus system (space outside Citedel control) they pride themselves of taking any mercenary contract that goes against humans. They do this so they may have the chance to forcefully infect humans with the FEV virus, a disease that will turn humans into meta-humans, therefore conscripting them into they're ranks. (FALLOUT) [i]Blood Pack[/i]: Made up of Vorcha, Krogan and Meta humans. A ruthless faction that has a gross reputation of destroying, and/or mutilating, anything within they're path. Unbound by petty things such as morality, this group prides itself in taking "untouchable" contracts. [i]Eclipse[/i]: Made up of Asari, Salarians, and conduits. Rivals to the blue suns, this faction makes up for it's lack of discipline by putting a strong emphasis on biotics. [i]Blue Suns[/i]: Comprising mostly of Standard Humans, Turians and Batarians. Rivals of the Eclipse, this faction stays up to date with the latest weapons technology to make up for it's lack of biotics. Eclipse and Blue suns often take up contracts that pit them against the other Independent mercenaries also exist. [/hider] [hider=Misc Factions] [b]Other Factions[/b] [i]Red Reapers[/i]: A group that accepts anyone from any race or species, they are an intergalactic gang that controls the largest drug smuggling operation in history. Although they're leader's history is shrouded in mystery, they say she's able to watch all of her gang members through the use of a drug known as "The black tar". [i]Dust men[/i]: Initially, it was a conduit uprising against the oppression conduits faced in the Martian colonies. Within time, they lead to the full secession of martian outer colonies against the oppressive alliance. Even after the Covenant destroyed Harvest and started the war against humans, the Dust men insisted that the alliance was the greater threat. It wasn't until the Covenant destroyed Charybdis IX that the Dust men changed it's objective. Charybdis IX was the base of dust men operations, after the Covenant destroyed it, the Dust men were in complete disarray. Now, Dust men primarily spend they're time trying to defend the outer colonies from the Covenant. [i]First Sons[/i]: A conduit Supremacist group. Unlike Master's army, the First Sons hide in the shadows to advance they're goals. They have secret funding and ties to nearly every group in the Galaxy. They use they're power to further increase they're conduit powers and research. [i]Follower of Apocalypse[/i]: A charity organization, Followers of Apocalypse dedicate their lives in helping those in need. Believing in philanthropy, these pacifists offer education and medication to any species in need. [i]Mavericks[/i]: A term used for dysfunctional robots, Mavericks are reploids or cyborgs that pose a threat to organic beings. Some exist from a virus, others are simply malfunctioned, but there is a rising number of Mavericks that despise organic beings out of their own free will. All Mavericks believe that they are superior beings to some extent. [i]Jedi Order[/i]: On E.D.N. III, (Or the Halghast homeworld, whatever you want to call it) a group of children found ancient texts revealing an ancient order of knights that used telekinetic powers to ensure there was peace throughout the galaxy. These children, coincidentally, discovered that they had powers that were described in the texts. When they grew older, they founded the first Jedi council, comprising of not only humans and conduits, but also species from Citadel space as well. Although they're base is on Eden (We're calling E.D.N. III Eden now), they've began to take a more active roll in galactic politics. Though small, this order has proven to be very effective for they're "Heroic achievements" and is welcomed among most government factions [i]Sith Order[/i]: Utilizing the exact opposite force the Jedi Order uses, the Sith order exists to gain power within the Galaxy. While the Jedi believe one must free itself from worldly attachments, the Sith order believes it should use it's emotions to aggravate themselves to gain more power. Where as the Jedi try to ensure peace, the Sith will climb for power, even if it means creating a path of destruction. [b]Any species can have "the Force"[/b] [/hider] [hider=Species] [b]Species include:[/b] [i]Standard Humans[/i]: Perhaps the most abundant species in the galaxy, humans have no superpowers. Humans are capable of gaining small bursts of powers with vigors and plasmids (BIOSHOCK). Only the humans from Eden and Earth like to use them, it's been deemed taboo within the Mars alliance. They do, however, make up for this by using they're advanced technology. [i]Human Conduits[/i]: Power levels vary. On earth, conduits are required to master the "four elements". The powers are Ice, Fire, Electricity, and telekinesis. Conduits are incapable of having augmentation, their powers short circuit any mechanical parts they have. Vigors/plasmids may be used by them, but it's always weaker than their native born powers. [i]Meta-Humans[/i] (Super mutants from Fallout): Powerful and resilient, Meta-humans have proven to be great warriors as well as great poets. Meta-humans are incapable of using conduit abilities. Augmentations are expensive because of their larges size, most meta-humans prefer to use Vigors and plasmids. (BIOSHOCK) [i]Necro-Humans [/i](Ghouls from Fallout): As frail as standard humans, and less menacing than Meta-humans. Ghouls are virtually immportal, and are incapable of having conduit abilities. Ghouls prefer to use augmentations, since it helps them prolong their life more than vigors and plasmids do. (DEUS EX) [i]Reploids:[/i] Exclusive to Taiwan from earth, Reploids are a unique sub-race of cyborgs from the nation of Neo-Arcania. In Taiwan, the line between human and robot is indistinguishable, Reploids are required to have human lifespans and humans are required to have Reploids augmentations. Although the augmentation can range from 10%-90% body change, it's generally around fifty percent. There is even a robot heaven on the island, all memories are copied through a neuro processor and sent to a central computer once someone dies. This is a major reason why Reploids choose not to leave Neo-Arcania, Reploid heaven can't be reached outside the island. [i]Citedel[/i] species and [i]Covenent[/i] species are an option. Characters from these species start off in they're own species faction. They are allowed to leave [b]Citedel and Covenent species are able to use Vigors/Plasmids or augmentations like standard humans do.[/b] [/hider] [hider=Power Suits] [b]Armors[/b] All armors give enhanced strength and agility, enhanced durability, and slight healing regeneration abilities. Most of these armors are were derived from the Crysis suits discovered on earth. [i]Spartan armor:[/i] Exclusive to Martian alliance: Spartan armor typically has two abilities. Jetpacks, a propulsion system that allows the wearer to maneuver through the air. The second is armor lock, this temporarily divers all energy into a shield, making the wearer temporarily invincible. [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/304/d/d/halo_4_spartan_compilation_by_labj-d5jkrq7.png[/img] [i]Helghast[/i][i] armor: [/i]Exclusive to Halghast Empire: Has Invisibility abilities(lol that rhymed) and has access nano-vision, allowing the wearer to see through walls, both at night or during the day. This armor is gives up durability in exchange for flexibility and speed. Perfect for their harsh enviroments they must work through. The armors are infamous for their trademark use of glowing red eyes. [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/155/c/7/3_stooges_by_angrypermitclerk-d3hlezc.jpg[/img] [img]http://cadian19th.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/helghast.jpg[/img] [i]Systems Alliance Armor:[/i] Exclusive to Earth Alliance. With earth's decentralized government, requirements for entering the Systems Alliance military varies from region to region. Because of this, all members must take systems alliance standard military training. How much training soldiers go through are labeled N2-N6, to show how highly ranked they are. The standard armor is Onyx Armor, supplied by the Citedel. Though, if you are rank N7, you have permission to purchase different kind of armor that the Citadel approves. [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/162/5/e/me3_john_shepard_armor_sets_by_sonyume-d677jb9.png[/img] [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/162/b/a/me3_jane_shepard_armor_sets_by_sonyume-d679886.png[/img] [i]Cultural armor: [/i]Exclusive to home location. Cultural armors are suits that match wearer's background orientation. Although they are mostly used for ceremonial purposes, or worn out of pride, they all have standard mass relay/nanosuit protection. Earth is famous for it's wide variety of cultural armors, and Jedi are identifiable by their unique uniform sets. [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/231/0/c/big_five_part_5_by_crazyasian1-d6d5g8p.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/290/2/f/the_samurai_spirit_by_krizevil-d6fqttu.jpg[/img] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/051/8/9/darth_kida___sith_princess_wip_by_josephb222-d2ri6od.jpg[/img] [i]Remnant armor: [/i]Exclusive to Terminus system colonies. Remnant armor is made up of old, unused armor scraps. It provides minimal protection and is normally made out of necessity. armor made up by older and used armors. Remnant armor is most widely seen near the Terminus system, where planets can't get access to the newer, more efficient armors. [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/305/6/4/follow_me_by_neisbeis-d6slatm.jpg[/img] [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/312/c/6/waiting_by_neisbeis-d6tgphu.jpg[/img] [i]Resource Integration Gear:[/i] Exclusive to outer colonies. Rigs were originally used to aid workers in hazardous situations. Miners, Scientists, Archeologists; They all used rigs to help them survive in inhospitable environments. During the colonial rebellions, rigs were the most common use of armor by the rebels, this is due to their abundance and lack of other, more combat oriented armors. Rig armors do, however, provide much more regenerative enhancements than the other armors do. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/086/a/c/Dead_Space_2_Armour_by_KaneNash.jpg[/img] [img]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120414172511/deadspace/images/8/8f/Dead_Space_CEC_Armor_3.jpg[/img] [i]Warframes: [/i]Exclusive to Earth. Following the Nuclear holocaust on earth, humans lost a great amount of research and technology due to the destruction from the bombs. The most famous research that was lost was called “the X-files”. It was said that these files contained secret alien research, research that far advances what the Citadel and Covenant is capable of today. There are rumors that these X-files have been found. The Earth government has one of the smallest, and perhaps most poorly trained military in the galaxy (compared the the Martian alliance and Helghast empire). Because of the Citedel's restriction in Earth's space navy, Earth has made up for these setbacks by forming an extremely elite special operations branch. The Tenno branch is small, you must be handpicked and recommended by high ranking officers to join the spec ops. The training is excruciating, using training methods from before the nuclear holocaust. And most notably, the armor is the most advanced armor in the galaxy. The material used to make them is extremely scarce, and so far the resource can only be found on earth. It is for this reason that, although the number of Tenno is unknown, it is said that there are only one hundred of them in existence, though no one is certain. Known Warframes are: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6NzJewz82A&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Vauban[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA0Rse1UoOU&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Excalibur[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYvLUJG6D4c&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Loki[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7jPjA5il7c&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Banshee[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8xh9D-vq1k&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Saryn[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDQfgCWaB1E&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Mag[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI_ZGFgBl_0&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Rhino[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GRjNrI703o&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Nova[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49ONrX1Xzl0&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Nyx[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS39p9kDO0g&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Frost[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0am52_la58Q&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Ash[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2B8d-crRZI&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Valkyr[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DNckVyRz74&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Trinity[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEzPyxvGLNk&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Nekros[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-D1NWCkHRU&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Volt[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTDAQjBZHEQ&list=PLte5xxAJdgRkCrX3VtdJEHL6gKx1NnpbA]Oberon[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT7B7ZNQtzg]Zephyr[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dvc4LxOz6XM]Ember[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2BHfrR3ikE&feature=share&list=PLDmrv5FhAWj_VzURMqylYnfxlRWvtLspv&index=18]Hydroid[/url] [/hider] [hider=Special Weapons] Lighsabors: Designed for Elegance in combat, these energy swords are nearly weightless and have the capability of cutting nearly anything. [b]Bombs[/b] Bubble Bomb: Releases a small sphere that stops all projectiles from penetrating the sheild. It only deflects fast moving matter, so although it may stop gunfire, people can still enter inside the sheild. Regeneration bomb: Releases a small sphere that quickly regenerates/heals armor/people inside. Hologram decoy: Creates an identical clone of yourself wherever it is dropped. Chrono bombs: Similar to the bubble bomb, they create a temporary shield that disrupts time within it's range. Like the bubble bomb, it is 20 feet diameter and lasts for10 seconds. These come in three categories. Reverse bombs: Reverse time Stop bombs: Stop time Slow bombs: Slow time [/hider] [hider=Powers] [b]Powers[/b] [i]Conduit[/i]: Only humans are able to be conduits. Conduits have the power to manipulate the "four elements". Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Telekinesis. Although they are be able to use all four powers, all conduits have one "primary element". The element that they are most efficient with, and are virtually limitless to the conduit. [i]Augmentations[/i]: Augmentations is a term used for cybernetic parts. Conduits are incapable of augmentations because they would short circuit them if they used they're powers. Augmentations are able to be used by any species. The neuro augmentations are perhaps the most useful for day to day usage. Neuro augmentations give the user photographic memory, are able to slow they're perception of time, and are known for being very skilled in persuasive arguments. They also have built-in connection to the inter web. These can be used by any species. [i]Vigors/Plasmids[/i]: Cheaper to get then augmentations. These are drugs that allow the user to gain powers similar to conduits. Although it's only a quarter as powerful as a conduits powers, there is a very [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16xRI8Lmfm4]wide variety[/url] of Vigors and Plasmids that people have access to. These are illegal in the Mars alliance and Citedel space, but even there, the Black reapers have been known to supply these to the criminal underground. Any species can use Vigors and plasmids, Conduits are the only ones who don't use them because most of them believe that they're "unnecessary". [b]No one[/b][b] is capable of using augmentations and vigors/plasmids at the same time. The vigors/plasmids cause the body to reject augmentations. You can only have one or the other. [/b] [i]Biotics[/i]: Superpowers given to any species when exposed to "element Zero". Most of these abilities range around telekinesis, and if one is exposed to Element Zero, there is a one in ten chance to gain these abilities. If someone does, their telekinetic abilities can surpass a conduit who's primary element is telekinesis. Biotics can use augmentations. Biotics can use Vigors unless they receive augmentations. [i]The Force[/i]: It's unknown where this power originated from. Either way, their telekinetic abilities are as powerful as a biotic. There are rumors that force-wielders have other abilities, but these sightings are too inconsistent to know for sure. Like biotics, they can use vigors unless they have augmented parts. [b]Any species can be a force-wielder.[/b] [/hider] If you need some reference to what the worlds are like crossover, please read “[url=https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6376514/1/Mass-Effect-New-Origins-V2]mass effect new origins v2[/url]”(A Mass Effect/Halo Fanfic) and “[url=https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8126014/1/From-the-Ashes]from the ashes[/url]”(A Fallout/Mass Effect Fanfic) from the fanfic writer [url=https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1835782/erttheking]erttheking[/url].