[i] Don't mind my rambling! :gray [b]As a roleplayer, what do you look for in an interest check?[/b] Well, first things first I like an informative title to draw me in! It can either be a narrative or summarized of what type of roleplay it is. For example my roleplay I'm running right now interest's check was along the lines of: "Your class reunion..what could go wrong?" though the other interest check I posted for it was titled "Horror/Escape/Drama" Either of these types of titles draw me in; though the second ones tend to have me click because the first type can often be misleading to what the role play is really about. AFTER I click the interest check; I like to see that someone has taken the time to make it look nice; even if it's just a small thing- some imagery and nice spacing goes a long way with me. --- [b] What is a turn on for you and what makes you hit the back button as quick as you can (remember, let's keep things civil)?[/b] TEXT WALLS. If your interest check consists of one large block of text I get scared and exit it out as quickly as I clicked. On the other end of the spectrum; if you only have a sentence or two I get a little nervous as well. ---- [b]Is there different things you look for or different ways you present things if you are a GM depending on what section the interest check is in?[/b] No matter what section I am in I expect and provide the same aspects of a good interest check. --- [b] As a GM, how do you set your interest check up for the best success? Is there a big difference on how you format an interest check compared to your OOC?[/b] I think the best way to answer these is to show my own work. My interest checks and my ooc are usually close to the same thing- but the OOC usually contains rules/cs/other information. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/70488/posts/ooc] My Interest Check [/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/70832/posts/ooc] My OOC [/url] --- [b]Have you made a mistake in the past that might be good for others to hear so that they avoid the same pitfall? Do you have any advice or other GMs or people who are debating on becoming a GM? [/b] Something that I've made the mistake of is accepting people too fast- possibly because I'm too nice and just want to accept everyone; but I have to learn to give a little background check on people and really think if their characters are good for the roleplay. DONT. EVER. GIVE UP. Your going to have roleplays that don't make it out of the gates and you're going to have roleplays that grab your heart strings and play double dutch with them; you just gotta keep trying. It doesn't hurt to try and don't be hard on yourself when people drop out or leave unexpectedly- THAT IS THEM. THEY ARE SCUM. You are a creative butterfly and you should flap your wings straight to fleeksvile. Anyway, that is my several cents. :D Thanks for the thread Kirra! [/i]