Normally I'd go on a good amount on my views/opinions. But this is unlikely when the question asked is so brief, and even more unlikely when I'm tired. This is both, so this is a rare case I'll keep this short(ish). 1) Against it, fully. If anyone else is punished with violence we call it assault and abuse, the use on children should be viewed no differently. Plus it teaches them nothing outside of "Try not to do this, when they're around". If it ever actually causes a child to feel bad about what they did and stop, that's more a case of that child realizing they hurt their parents and wanting to stop. Which they could of realized by being told that they did rather than by being hit over it. 2) Never thought about it. Nor heard of that term for it before so I had to look it up quickly. Basically, as long as it's safe treatment I see no issues in the practice of going to another country for treatment of any kind. Me saying if it's a good choice or a bad choice though would be a case by case analysis on what they are working on, why they are working on it and why are they leaving the country for it.