"yes this is still a very long process Amy is going to be week for a long time with all these illnesses and problems I am having the doctors run a bunch of medical test on her to make sure she does not have cancer or any other problems with her body." Charles said as ate his food and looked at the picture with Amy missing her two frint teeth when she was young. "I did nothing but worry about my grandchild growing up but I that child of mine had to run off half of the time with her making it hard to find Amy." He siad as he drank some wiskey. "CHARLES!!!! How mant times do I ahve to tell you now Wiskey until 4 hours after you take your medicine the doctors say you can not mix it." The maid siad for she was charles personal maid for she was also a trained nurse. "Aww come on let an old man drink." He siad as she took the glass. "No you want to be aline when Amy get's out of the hospital right? Then follow the doctors orders about your medications." She said to him and went to the kitchen t dunp the drink. "Well that is why she is my personal Maid." He siad with a small chuckle.