Jade held the letter in her fingers delicately, eyes scanning each word so carefully that it took her a solid three minutes to read the thing. Her ever shifting eyes sparkled with delight, a game she herself had asked for ages before. "Finally, a game of wit instead of strength. A chance to remind the others that we exist." Methodically, the young woman walked around her small place, packing various articles of clothing and reading materials into her baggage. She remembered to call the library where she worked to leave them a message that she wouldn't be attending work for a few days before walking out the door and locking it behind her. ~~ The mansion before her had a spooky sort of vibe, a shiver of excitement running down her spine. As she approached the front door she spotted a small group of people speaking to each other, most likely introducing themselves. "Ehem." A naturally overlooked creature, Jade knew that if she were to be noticed she would have to speak up a little. "Excuse me, I received a letter... Have I come to the right place?" Jade's voice was fairly steady, polite as if she already knew the answer and was just asking out of formality.