[center][b]TRIXXTAL[/b] Trixxtal was unfazed by Bellerophon's apparent lack of enthusiasm. He had successfully whoo'd many others who originally had no interest in him --which was ridiculous all by itself, like, have you seen him? Who wouldn't be into that?-- and Bellerophon would be no different. All he needed was some sweet talking, a little harmless persuasion, and then he'd be under his thumb just like the rest of the school. All Trixxtal needed to do was work his magic. Putting on the charming smile that everyone seemed to love, Trixxtal leaned back against the railing and pushed his head back, running his hand through his luxurious sandy blonde hair as the cherry blossom pedals fell around him, " Ah, my dear Bellerophon," He made sure to put on his thickest accent as he stepped away from the railing to get into Bellerophon's personal space, " You and I are strangers, but I was hoping that we could...get the chance to know each other better," Any thoughts that he might of had about Jecht, his [i]boyfriend[/i] had left his mind entirely and was replaced with the sole mission of getting the beautiful blonde before him to fall in love with him. [/center]