[quote=arowne97] The doors to the dining hall opened as a guy walked in. The first thing people would probably notice is his crimson hair and eyes, and the bloodstained bandages wrapped around his hands. He looked around, and noticed that there was only one open seat(of course it's at the same table as the others. :P), so he just went and sat down. [/quote] A blotch of red caught his eye and he turned his head, observing a red head seat himself at their table. He didn't know who he was but he looked a little threatening with his appearance. He turned his attention back to the menu. Seth was startled as he felt Azalea's lips and her breath lightly graze his ear. [i]"Thank you for helping me out back there. I'll return the favor somehow."[/i] Due to him being startled, he accidentally ordered [i]two[/i] large pizzas instead of one. He desperately navigated the screen but he found no undo or cancel button. [i]It's the 21st century, and it doesn't even have an undo button!?[/i] Seth thought and mentally sighed. Guess he'd have to share with the whole table when it got here, at least they weren't charging him for it, but he wondered if there was a fee for not eating your food? He was watching the couple across from him, taking mental notes in his head for later reference whenever he'd start teaching Vincent how to get the ladies...or one particular lady in his case. He was deep in thought as he contemplated his current circumstance. Seth thought camping might be a great way to get to know each of them better, and thus, he began his planning for "Phase I" of his strategy codenamed, "Operation EnVINCEable". "Camping, eh? We can toast marshmallows together and tell scary ghost stories." Seth said to both of his friends. "Either of you have a problem with going? It'd be a nice way to get out and see what's in the area I think."