[quote=WilsonTurner] How the do I have 6 votes for me to stay, and none against or abstaining? I thought I pissed everyone off!Um... How many people are there, anyways, in the rp?There's...1. Iscandarian 2. Septonian 3. Terran4. Nouvellian5. Valkian6. Hivemind, Replacement of7. Sazjhak [I'm sorry I still can't spell it right ;-;]8. Etherals9. Merfolk [can't remember them either]10. Um... that's it, right? Disregarding dropped players and/or unaccepted apps.So I have majority. o.oI was under the impression that my criticism and assholery generally pissed all off. Either Abroe touched the hearts, my dialogue concerning KeyGuy leaving did, or me promising to shut up won. [/quote] You shattered my feelings...