[hider=Dana Allbright] Name: Dana Zachary Allbright. Age: 18 Gender: Cis Male [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/020/6/c/hipster_by_snowmaxx-d37njgb.jpg]Appearance[/url] Personality: Dana is a sensitive young man, who by this point in his life tends not to think terribly highly of himself. Very recently, he is actively trying to be more positive about himself and more confident and assertive in every day life. It is a struggle, and he worries that people see him as a doormat to be stepped on whenever they see fit. He has an addictive personality, and a tendency to get sucked up in things, some would say as a way to escape his more important problem. Your History: A young man from Maryland, grew up with a single mother and got into trouble in high school. He moved out in Junior year, and went to live with his meth addict girlfriend, Jess, who was an emancipated minor and lived alone on disability pay. Though he would have professed to love Jess, Dana was never happy with her, and their time together was an endless spiral of getting clean and relapsing. He was very close to dropping out of school himself, and when he was discussing the possibility with a counselor, he was given a pamphlet for the Catalina Academy. He got accepted, and left his girlfriend, promising himself that he wouldn't let anyone push him around anymore. Why are you here?: Dana heard about the school through a councilor at his old school, who knew some of his troubles and was trying to help him get away. As a part of the application, Dana researched the island and the school itself, and wrote a short poem about it. Faith: No particular faith, though he would tell you that he thinks some things happen for a reason. To him, finding Catalina Academy was a gift from some higher power. Fear: Astrological sign: Pisces [/hider] [hider=prologue] "We need to talk, Jess," Dana started as soon as he had walked in the door. Jess was a mixed race girl, a little younger than he was. She was sitting on her small apartment's one and only couch, raising a glass pipe and a lighter to her lips. She glanced up at him as he walked in. "So talk," she said before putting the pipe back to her lips. Dana strode across the room to her and wrapped his hand around the pipe. She lifted the lighter and clicked it anyway. Dana withdrew his hand with a wince, and Jess raised an eyebrow as if to say "that's what you get." Dana held his burned hand as he watched her light the pipe. "I got accepted to that school." Jess finally put the pipe down. "I thought you were joking about that shit..." "I wasn't, I'm not," he said shortly, "I'm going, it's over." "What the fuck?" She shouted, standing up as he turned back toward the door. "You think you're too good for me now or something?" Dana stood with his hand on the door for a moment, and then turned, exploding. "Yes! I am so much more than the smoking, and the drinking! And the bullshit! I tried to get you to quit, but you always find a way to bring me down to your level! I'm sick of it." He turned back to the door, and she hurled the pipe against the wall, where it shattered. "If you leave, I'll overdose. I'll kill myself!" Dana held a shaking hand on he door knob for a moment longer, and said over his shoulder, "I'm sick of the emotional abuse too. I'm not responsible for your actions." And he walked out. [/hider]