[center][img=http://seatingproducts.com/photos/12/large/booth2.JPG?20096122449][/center] One could hear the concert of the morning rush in the diner on 122nd street. The clinking of dishes as they are cleared from the tables. Along with the murmur of voices either damning or praising the quaint locale on the upper West side of Loyola. It was a staple of the city to the older crowd and bordering on trendy for the new generation. Christian gently tore a pair of sugar packets side by side before letting their contents spill into his coffee like crystalline sand in an hourglass. His murky brown eyes sullenly looked up from his coffee at the man sitting in the booth across from him. “Are they here or what?” The man’s voice was muffled within the booth’s high vinyl seats. Lucas, with his much brighter green eyes and demeanor glanced over the brim of his bitter black coffee. “Yeah. They are.” He spoke without completely lowering the cup from his lips. The two sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes before Christian turned in his seat and scanned the room, looking more like a gawking tourist than a professional criminal. “Turn around.” Lucas spoke quickly and quietly, to which Christian slid back into his original position, an impatient tapping of his fingers on the side of his coffee mug. “Which table then?” Christian mumbled impatiently. “One’s at the counter. The other’s standing outside like they don’t wanna come in.” Lucas chuckled under his breath, almost doubting his choices. “They got records though. And any pair of hands with a gun in ‘em is better than nothing.” “Let me see that book of yours.” Christian slid his hand, palm up along the side of the table closest to the window and the salt and pepper shakers. Lucas slid the rather thick folder to which Christian referred to as a “book” into his hand. “You got photos?” Christian whispered, to which Lucas nodded silently. Opening the folder in the seat next to him out of view to any passerby, Christian glanced over some of the information Lucas had collected on their potential new partners... __ Hi there, and welcome to A Few Bad Men. With the intro out of the way, I can start explaining a bit about this RP. For starters, yes, we’re going to be bank robbers/professional criminals! There’s all kinds of fun that can be had being the bad guy but this isn’t just what this RP is about. It’s about being a professional! That means not going on a murderous rampage every chance you get. With that said, if someone gets in the way of the score, you can use your judgment on whether or not they need to be dealt with. The RP will revolved around a small group of criminals working together to make big scores. What they’re motivation is can vary, whether it be infamy or a massive bank roll. That doesn’t mean that there won’t also be a centralized overall arcing plotline that we will be following. It just means that there will be time for each character to shine with personal story arcs, unless you choose not to have one. The RP starts off in a diner frequented by two of the characters I play called Donatella’s. Your character will be a relative nobody to the crime world though they can have a few jobs under their belt and be known locally (otherwise how would you be a candidate for the upcoming jobs?). In this line of work, youth isn’t necessarily a good thing either as it’s usually associated with brashness and inexperience. There can be a few youngbloods, but most professionals will be in the 25+ range. Professionalism goes hand in hand with experience and you can (and will) be looked down upon, if only jokingly, as a kid or newbie if you choose to be an eighteen year old regardless of being a prodigy or not. You may create whatever kind of character you like, though I will be biased towards those that “fit” the role. So by all means, let any questions or ideas be brought up freely! Remember, this CS only has to show things that would be on record (even private ones) or rumors that could be gathered. If there are things you don’t want us to know, then by all means leave them out! (But PM me if it’s going to be something that will affect the plot please) CS: Name: Age: Alias(es): Gender: Nationality: Physical Description: (pics welcome and encouraged) Specialties: Criminal History: (Alleged or Convicted of) Personal Info: (Non-crime information, if any is known) __ Name: Christian Montauk Age: 29 Alias(es): The Reverend, Rev, Christopher McCauly Gender: Male Nationality: American Physical Description: [hider=Christian Montauk][img= http://s8.postimg.org/90h2krmad/character1.png ][/hider] Specialties: Driver, Con Artist, Pickpocket Criminal History: Former getaway driver for a mostly dead or missing crew during the early 00’s. Did a small stretch in juvenile detention for petty theft at 15. Personal Info: Used to work a range of different jobs from fry cook to valet parking attendant. Part Native-American. Still has relatives living somewhere. Alias derived solely from his first name. Name: Lucas Birch Age: 33 Alias(es): Duke The Bloke, Stefan Aguilar Gender: Male Nationality: Irish Physical Description: [hider= Lucas Birch][img= https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/01/9b/06/019b064c13e83767423fbd2a06e67261.jpg][/hider] Specialties: Emergency medical treatment, armed combat, negotiation. Criminal History: Cleared of charges for the murder of two South African military police officers. Wanted for obstruction of justice in an ongoing robbery case. Personal Info: Former EMT and relief worker. Lived in South Africa for three years. Suffers from a minor nerve disorder. Has practiced eliminating his accent to better stay hidden, though bits and pieces still slip through. Alias given from a South African crime boss he once worked for, reasons unknown. __ Character Listing: Christian Montauk . . . . . . . . I_Run_Amok Lucas Birch . . . . . . . . . . . . . I_Run_Amok Tim Ord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaman110 Mark Stevenson . . . . . . . . Damiann47