[quote=Eklispe] "No monster's spawn near him for just that reason, seconds these monsters are weaker than average monsters of this level but provide exceptional EXP which is why you're here in the first place, and the only player nearby is way over there!" he said pointing at the barely visible figure of Mist if one looked closly at the glint of his binoculars. "I can use whatever methods I deem fit and there's not a thing you can do about it." Sol finished angrily. [/quote] "I believe there is plenty I can say about it, considering my life was on the line, and an- wait what was that about another player?" Flood stopped as he looked over to where the glint was. "Crap. I really hope I'm wrong." Flood opened up his inventory and pulled out his own binoculars to look at the guy. "I'm not sure, but I think that's a bounty hunter." He told the rest of the group