Casper groaned, frustrated with himself for even beginning to give her attention. He could already predict it, like before. Talk to someone, you end up liking who they are, you talk to them even more, then you're attached then suddenly they don't talk to you anymore after they see who you are. It was kinda like rejection. But he went on to talk to her, curious enough to want to see how this goes. Besides, he already started. "Fine, [i]Ariel[/i]," he spoke, emphasis on the Ariel part and returning the sarcasm with his tone. "I'm not obligated to talk to anyone here, am I? I have better things to do than deal with everyone else." [i]As if,[/i] he thought to himself. The "better things to do" part couldn't have been any more than a lie and a bad excuse. But he was used to saying it when someone decides to question him.