Name: Sergeant(Ex) Mark Stevenson Age: 32 Alias(es): Sarge, Stevens Gender: Male Nationality: American Physical Description: (Never liked using pictures can't find ones I like.) Described to be a Caucasian male standing at 6'5". Last seen with blue eyes, short black eyes with no facial hair. Overall has an athletic build and in great physical conditioning. Known to have ancestory from Northen Europe. Specialties: Stevens know security inside and out, given enough time he can find and explot weaknesses in a system. There's more to watch then just cameas or security guards, to truly pull off a job silently takes all things into consideration mostly to avoid suspicion. Having spent many years of the force, Stevens has proven to be a strong tactician as he has been responsible for coordinating and planning many police raids in the past. Stevens also still possesses his training as SWAT making him more then capable of handling a firefight. Criminal History: Once was former law enforcement up until discharged with plenty of felonious including laundering, bribery and "police brutality". Before going to trial Stevens disappeared, his location currently unknown with investigation pending. Personal Info: Mark Stevenson was a highly decorated SWAT officer with top marks throughout his career. He had taken part in many actions such as assaults on local cartel and other drug operations, even organizing a few himself. That was until stripped of his honors and declared a fugitive in the eyes of the state. It is also rumored that if still present Stevens maintained a few contacts with a number of officers through past friendships and even favors.