[quote=Spriggs27] Naomi watched as Yosuke got ready for a fight in case they encountered anyone or anything, Naomi didn't keep her eyes completely on him and was wondering something, it was kinda strange to her, for the most part of this gory sojourn, they both encountered dead bodies and what she could only guess was a ghost or spirit, but now they weren't encountering anything, just hallways with nothing but the derelict floors and walls for them to look at.When Yosuke mention trying to get by the blue spirit that stopped them before, Naomi thought about it." The only way I believe we could get past him is if one of us gets left behind or we take him on, but I don't believe either of those would work, then again we could try to run around him or lure him away." Naomi suggested," It beats just staying down here." she continued. [/quote] "Does he ever leave those stairs?" Yosuke asked Naomi, as if she somehow had answers that no one would probably ever know. "Anyways, I think non-physical negotiations will work best on this guy, being a ghost and all. We could offer him up a body and slash or promise him one if he lets us pass, if you're willing to pass up a kill." Yosuke suggested, turning to face Naomi. "He'd be useless without that damn knife, maybe one of us could distract him while the other sneaks up and disarms him? Here, let me see what I have in my bag." Yosuke said as he opened his bag to see what was in it. Pens, pencils, paper, and various other school supplies littered his bag. He could draw something offensive, or crumple up some paper and throw it at the spirit? "Whatever you wanna do, I'm with it Nay. Is that cool? Can I call you that?"