[center][youtube]PswERIGHFjA[/youtube][/center] [i]Lorenzo gave off a smile as he finally closed all the files and handed them to Boris, before lighting up a cigarette. The bulkier man simply sighed, before shrugging and making his way to the door. Ultimately, however, he paused and looked back. “Is what we’re doing right?” “But of course!” he blurted instantly, “It is for the sake of humanity! What would you do given the option? Rollover with your tail between your legs and let them synthetic bastards cut off your balls or throw the secret weapon you’ve been developing at the Cruxi and watch them suffer?” “It’s still fucked up. Using kids like this… they should see the terrors of war so up close and personal.” “At least it is inside of a Framework… back in the Continential Years when there was still such a thing as separate rulers, where wars were fought over religion, territory, and all that stupid stuff… it was far more brutal to see what we did to each other and experience it. Kind of makes you wonder just how sick we humans can become, eh? Honestly, I wish we had those brutal humans back and could throw them at the Cruxi, perhaps we would be winning the war now rather than the cowards we have now,” Lorenzo spoke as he rested his legs upon his desk, his eyes looking towards something… distant. “It was barbaric… you should know that.” “But I simply love studying it… all those barbaric monkeys’ years ago whom we came from were nothing more than… well, I don’t know, sword wielding and cloth wearing apes.” “Yet here we are now… in space fighting for our lives against some bastard race that wants to eliminate us.” “Correctomundo baby… Still, I would like to capture a live Cruxi. Dead ones are always so… well, they’re nice, but they always filled with bullet holes or plasma shots that you can’t really dissect shit. Hell, they’re so damn deadly it’s impossible bringing back a live one... but all the knowledge we could obtain however… to be able to strengthen and fortify ourselves and prevent more lives from being lost. It would be a great boon to humanity.” “Yeah… I know… Well anyway, you better prep up, the stealth ships should be on their way here with the pilots.”[/i] ------ [i]The landing of the vessel that he flew there was fine, although all the security and all the other planetary fortifications made him reconsider just what the hell he was getting himself into. There were Spartans leading squads of Omega Units everywhere… and they were a bad combination to mess with. The Spartans were known to be highly advanced soldiers who were integrated with cybernetics and synthetic tissue to enhance their abilities, while their armor were far above the standard set that not even plasma could penetrate it. Their training was as secretive as this base, probably. They were also known to be master of combat and fire arms. The Omega Units were, to say the least, just a notch underneath the Spartans. If you couldn’t make it through the initial regime, supposedly you were sent to the Omegas. While they weren’t as fancy as the Spartans, they sure as hell were stronger than your average soldier to take down any large weird alien or large hammer wielding monkey on their own. Their specialty were their array of guns. Although, those two alone didn’t just scared him… it was the third thing that really scared him; the Banshees. They were slightly taller and larger than the Spartans… and far stronger too. Complete cyborgs resembling Valkyries built to run on Artificial Intelligence, there were dozens everywhere across the facility as Joseph escorted his batch of kids to the designated zone. The Yamaguchi, Spartans, Omega Units, and even Banshees…? The place was giving the poor guy the creeps as he tried to maintain his brave posture as he led the group down hallway after hallway. Why were there so many of humanity’s best forces stationed out here in secrecy? Something just didn’t sit well with him, but he felt it best to just ignore it for now… he doubt he’d get any answer, after all. [/i] ----- [i]After a rather long walk, you all finally arrived at Dr. Lorenzo’s room. Entering, you all sit down while Joseph sits down next to the Doctor, still clearly nervous. Lorenzo just grins intensely as he glares over you all before standing up in a leap of joy. “Finally! My precious children have arrived!” he exclaims. “From this moment forth you are to be the experiments of this facility… no, you won’t be harmed, I promise you. But we will be having you pilot Frameworks while also going through vigorous training!” Lorenzo’s grin widens as his eyes quickly shoot from child to child, imagining just how powerful they can all be… until suddenly he realizes something. “We’re missing one.” “What do you mean? I got all that were on the list,” Joseph hands Lorenzo the list of kids from his sector. Snatching it from his hands, Lorenzo scans it, before realizing that one child is not on the list; one that he forgot to include. “The pilot of Avacramdt… We… I… I forgot to include the pilot of Avacramdt…” “He’s here,” spoke Boris as he interrupted via intercom, “Someone else… I believe a friend of the family brought him in earlier? He’s just checking out the Frameworks. He’ll be in shortly.” “Ah, good. I was going to have to smack someone. Anyway… from this moment forth, all of you,” Lorenzo turned his attention back to the kids before smiling and pointing at them, “…are hereby MIA! None of you are to get in contact with any family members, you hear me? You are DEAD to people outside of the military! If you try to escape, we have been given permission to kill you without a moment’s hesitation. No baby acts, no tantrums… NADDA! You hear me? In here… I am your father, and you are my children, you hear me?” he stated with his sinister grin as he slammed his foot onto the table. “Any questions about living in your new home?” [/i] ------- Take this moment to ask Lorenzo some stuff. Go ahead, feel free to. Oh, and yeah. He’s very serious and everything he said IS true. You are hereby MIA and are no longer allowed to contact any loved ones, or anyone outside of the military. This research facility will become “hell” for a little while.