[quote=Maki Casanova] Um, the wolf man who is turning? [/quote] Roan? Ummm...sadly there's a problem here as I made a mention in the OOC in case someone tried to interact with him. [quote=Fallenreaper] Alright, posted. On a note: Roan will not be in the alley should any of the PCs attempt to aid him. You'll discover where he went later in the collab with Echo...*snickers* [/quote] Echo thought having a rampaging werewolf wasn't exactly a grand idea and might complicate things a bit too much. After the points Echo made why, I had to agree and sought an alternative. In addition a wolf's first instinct is to flee and because Roan has arms, claws and high jumping ability, that would give him an easier time escaping a dead end alley then a normal wolf. I thought it was easily seen and apologize for that. In addition, I am sure I mentioned Roan was heading into an alley way on the opposite side of the tavern because from my understanding in your post, Lavica and your PC were located around there. It doesn't seem like the pair really moved after the collision. If I didn't make myself clear in the post or it got taken out during the editing, it wasn't intentional.