[b]Name:[/b] Conner O'Connell [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Alias(es):[/b] Shorty, tiny, gnome, hobbit, dwarf, Ect. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Irish immigrant American [b]Physical Description:[/b] [img=https://ssl-gfx.filmweb.pl/ph/35/26/563526/234974.1.jpg] 4' and 200lbs That would seem impossible to most, his mild height is a result of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acromicric_dysplasia]dwarfism[/url] and his bulk is from a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myostatin-related_muscle_hypertrophy]different[/url] condition. He started balding as a teenager so he keeps his head shaved. [b]Specialties:[/b] Assault, breaking and entering, [b]Criminal History: (Alleged or Convicted of)[/b] Revolving door of juvenile delinquencies, lots of arrests that got fewer over the years as he got better at not getting caught. almost all involving assault and breaking and entering, a few arsons dotting the landscape 1 count in 1st grade, 6 in second grade, 12 counts in 3rd grade, 8 in 4th grade, 5 in 5th grade, 3 in sixth grade, 3 in seventh grade, 2 in eighth grade and only once a year during high school. In his twenties, he got arrested and convicted for first degree attempted murder to which he pleaded no contest due to extenuating circumstances. The man he beat into a coma was attacking a mom of twins with a carriage, 40 broken bones and numerous lacerations from being thrown through a window. [b]Personal Info: (Non-crime information, if any is known)[/b] Born of illegal Irish immigrants who had him in a back alley in Manhattan. Supposedly his dad was IRA and came to the US to escape punishment for a job gone wrong but got whacked by Irish mob folk. It could just be someone glued to a barstool who died of a bad liver, but he likes the IRA story better. He was given over to an Irish catholic church with a hefty donation, most likely blood money of one kind or another, with orders to be kept safe from harm as long as the money lasted. Due to his deformities, he was kept by the parish until he was five where he was put into a specialty school for the deaf, k-12. His condition granted him a scholarship that kept the money stretched further which got used to pay for a growing list of fees as he lashed out in frustration like most children without parents. Over the years it became more and more aggressive acts of violence both personal and property. Fights with other kids from other schools mostly, acts of arson were usually attempts to burn away evidence like the bloody baseball bat or other school kids wallets and backpacks to get back at them. Just because he got arrested less doesn't mean he was doing less, just getting caught less often. As he got older, he put his small size to use in getting in and out of places with a musculature no one else like him has. When he did do time it was as an adult, he made friends with the other [url=http://www.atlantablackstar.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/peter-dinklage-lightbox-2.jpg]shorty[/url] on the cell block, in for arson. They requestioned to be bunked together to prevent undo harm to themselves and others around them. Even when one of them was up for parole early, they committed just the right act to keep them locked in until they were both released. When they both got out, they started working together for the Irish mob as muscle until he got a call for a private job.