"True, fighting them as we are now, we'd be slaughtered and this will have all been for nothing. As for my energy, well why would I not be, we are surround by so many wonderful technologies that I want to study,understand, take a part and but pack together again, then repeat that process till I can do it blindfolded. I desperately wish to examine the Banshees, Spartans, Omega's, and especially the Cruxi. Their technology is far beyond anything we have, who knows what secrets we could unearth from them. That is why it is vital that we win this war, so we can take their technology and expand upon it even more. The Cruxi could be holding the secrets to all of man's question, if only we squash them like the dirty, little, synthetic bastards they. . ." The more Drake talked about the Cruxi, the darker his expression became, seemingly without him noticing until the end, where he stopped himself, and gave a quick cough, as if clearing his throat. "I'm sorry about that, I lost most my family to the Cruxi, which sometimes gets in the way of my research of them. As a scientist, I try to separate any negative personal feelings from my research, as it clouds the mind." Drake then turned back to the man who had, quite creepily, proclaimed them his children. Drake would make sure to spend as little time alone with this man as he could afford without compromising the efficiency of the team.