[quote=Dinh AaronMk] Like many a CEO or the general owner of a large corporation he was most likely far from where things are actually going on, or the office even. And I'd hazard when in town he was probably never physically close enough to his "slaves" to notice them. [/quote] Well they were definitely slaves -- if anything should be in quotation marks it's "HIS." Dude owned slaves, there's not really a moral upside to that, so let's not step around the issue at all. Lots of people in history owned slaves. Once upon a time, Hammurabi was literally *THE* paragon of morality. We've changed. If we're gonna be objective about historical figures then we need to get past the part where we try to make them 'okay' by modern standards. Lee was kind of a bastard, who did lots of other cool stuff and was otherwise a pretty remarkably awesome dude.