Boris sighed before pausing a bit in his steps along the corridor. "The military has always been incompetent... but what is going on here, I don't like it any better than you do... The worst part is that you haven't even touched the icing on the cake yet. Look," Boris turned towards Airick, reaching for something underneath his combat armor before pulling out a photo of a little girl and a woman, "this here is my wife and daughter. To them, I'm MIA. I've been MIA for over 10 years... Do you have any idea what's that like, blond boy, to think of your wife possibly in another man's arms and your daughter calling another man father? It isn't pleasant." Putting the photo back in its place and cracking open a quick flask of... something, Boris took a large swig as alcohol dripped down his beard. Closing it and placing it within his pocket, he looked back at Airick. "Most men here are the same, and we are taking this job quite seriously for humanity's sake. If I were to say anything about what is going on here, you wouldn't see me by tonight... Now come on, let's get to your ship." Lighting up a cigarette and continuing forward, Boris smile a bit as they got closer and closer to the location of the ship. "Want to throw any other smart ass silly remarks at me, rear-admiral? Oh, and just to let you know, that rank means nothing here anymore... I'm your boss as of this moment, and you too are hereby MIA to everyone outside of the military." ------ Lorenzo grinned a bit as the first two spoke up and attempted to converse among each other. "I'm sorry... but children play with the toys their father will be giving them, and not what father and his associates mess with, okay, Drake?" he muttered after perfectly memorizing each and every one of their names from the files he read earlier. "Oh, and Ashlyn darling, you sure you don't have any questions at all for you [i]father[/i]? Papa is here after all," he said, knowing very well of what happened to her dad. "If you don't I would like to hear from the others then... Since we have plenty of time until we begin anything." It was at that moment that he pouted before placing his index finger onto the tip of his ear. "What is it, I'm busy here... and you should know never to bother me when I'm busy god damn it!" He shouted as he spoke into the comm-link. "What do you mean by that? Well they all arrived on time, didn't they?" There was a short pause. "One is coming now?" Lorenzo's face became cold. "I understand that it is undamaged, but I don't understand why the fuck is it LATE? I want that ship tracked as it reaches the landing platforms, and the Spartans, Omegas, and the Banshees ready to kill whatever may be inside of it if it is not human. Even if what is on board are those we need they are to be quarantined and inspected while the ship is scanned... if any of them show any odd signs permission to kill. No one will miss them... they're already MIA." After ordering that command, the sounds of Banshees, Spartans, and many Omegas could be heard running down the hall, but ignoring it, Lorenzo simply smiled before turning back towards his children. "Sorry about that, pesky calls from work... Now then, my children, are there any other questions that need answering?"