"Oh?" A loud [i]bang[/i] was all that could be heard as Lorenzo shot the nanos within Drake's hand with a special-graded handgun... completely destroying them as they burnt to a crisp. "Listen to me you stupid brat... I don't give a flying fuck about who your real father is, because you know what," Lorenzo gripped the kid by the collar and promptly drew him closer before grinning, "In here, I'm going to be the only father you will know because you will be under my care. So get used to being treated like this... because you're stepping on toes here." Throwing Drake back into his seat, and holding himself back from shooting a round into the kid's eye or ear, Lorenzo sighed before swirling his gun and placing it behind his back. "Now Dad is angry... great... Anymore questions or remarks? Hopefully not from Drake who's at risk of getting shot here from daddy."