"...No. No, I cannot." Airick finally admitted. "I have no idea how that feels, and I'm sorry. It's just that, well, a lot of this could have been put to other use. With just the Yamaguchi, we could have held at least a dozen more systems than what we managed to do so. I did not mean to be rude, and I apologize." Letting out a sigh, Airick saw the monitor again and stared as a boy brazenly and openly disrespected a superior. "...is that... [i]kid[/i]... going to be on my ship too?" Airick as slowly as he continued following Boris. "I sincerely hope, for as much as his sake as for mine, that the facility here will instil these kids with some semblance of discipline?" XXXXX [i]What. An. Idiot.[/i] Kaila could not help but shake her head at Drake's tone. Could he not see what was going on? Did he really think they could get away with talking like that here? The man was clear - they could all be killed at any moment. No hesitation. Sighing, she turned back to Lorenzo. This entire situation was overwhelming for her, but she had faced worse. Racing down bombed streets, shouting and death all around her as the Cruxi overran her home - at least this place didn't have anyone actively trying to kill her. Yet. The part about becoming some sort of military experimental pilot didn't concern her the least, truth be told - ever since that incident, she thought she would be unable to serve at all. Here, at least, she might still be able to make a difference. However, the entire secretive nature of the program was worrying for her - her brother would think she was gone, and what would her father think? Would he even know, out there in the breach, holding the line against the Cruxi? He did say that to "outside the military" - does this mean that her father would know she was alive? Or perhaps he had something to do with this? Knowing that simply mulling over these things would do no good, she simply paid attention to the present, awaiting the doctor's answer to the question on their mortality rates and their expendability.