This... this was way out of her league. Tsukihime Manami stood at the back of the group, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. Questions raced though her mind, but words would not come out of her mouth. How... how was one to respond to this sort of outlandish situation? There were scary robot men with guns, robot thingies with guns, and scary men with guns. Just plain men with guns kidnapped her before, with a bag over her head, quickly subduing her before she was brought here shivering with fear. A loud shot reverberated through the room. Manami gave a muffled scream, as she quickly clapped her hands over her mouth and squatted down. Did he kill one of them? No, it was simply that boy's thingy he was playing with. How stupid can he be? What if he got all of them killed over his toys? She had the dreadful feeling that she wasn't ever going to see home again, or her brother.