Airick took a moment to slowly let the image of the ship Sink in. He had seen Izanagi-Class ships when he was being taken to the station, but to think that he was being given one - granted, he was probably one of the most experienced officers in the navy at the moment, but when he had been dragged away from his command carrier he did not expect something like this. Nothing like this. Vertical Rocket Launch Systems placed as long as he could go. From what he could see, he could not find any standard point defence weapons, but that was fine - he knew that there were types of missiles designed to replace such weapons. Judging by the large numbers of VRLS in place, there was probably a missile based point defence system in place. The long length of armour and the shield systems the ship must have - he knew that it could be dozens of times stronger than some of the ships the navy had. He could not imagine the specifications of this ship. And then there was the long weapon that stretched through much of the length of the ship. "Is that... a wave motion lance?" he asked with a hint of veiled excitement in his voice.