[Dalton Attwater, Foyer, Tohsaka Mansion] As the light faded and the figure in front of him came into view, Dalton slowly nodded. "Assassin, eh? Yeah, yeah I can see that working. It's how I've preferred to operate in the past. Quick strikes, stay hidden until absolutely necessary. Anyway, name's Dalton. Dalton Attwater, and I suppose I'll be your Master for now." Holding out his hand, Dalton continued. "Now, I'm not too keen to go out and get myself killed just yet. I'd like to take a few days to do recon, learn of our enemies and their abilities before we move to strike. I have a goal here, but you might not like it. I'm not trying to win this war, though that would probably be the easiest way for me to make sure my objective is taken care of." "I'm here to make sure this war goes off without causing a fuss. Keep things quiet. We may have to stick our necks out to cover up other Masters' activities once or twice, but it's no good to anybody if this thing gets found out. It's not the easiest goal, but I have a job to do. A lot is riding on this for me. I need to survive this thing. I have a duty to the Mages' Association and my family to get back safe, and get back without blowing this whole thing. I'll need your help for that. Can I count on you to help me?" He knew what he was asking was quite a lot given the circumstances, and it was quite an unusual introduction, but he hoped that would be enough to ensure that he had Assassin's loyalty.