[i]MENTAL CRAWL: Analysis of social dynamic 'FLPilots' and 'COs' undergoing. Completion: 22%. Calculating... MENTAL CRAWL: Estimated time of folder(s) completion: 21 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes, 4 seconds. Usr CautEGO: Consensus request: Stay the course in order to securely integrate with both dynamics. Debating... Usr SocEGO: OVERRULED. (Reason: Unacceptable completion time. Hasten analysis at risk of compromise.) Usr PilEGO: OVERRULED. (Reason: Unacceptable completion time. Danger to designation as pilot. Hasten analysis at [b]minor[/b] risk of social compromise.) Usr CautEGO: RECONSIDERED. (Under protest. Acceptable reasoning.) OUTCOME: ANALYSIS PROGRAMME REJECTED NEW TASK: INTEGRATE (PilAPPROVED SocAPPROVED CautAPPROVED*)[/i] --- Demeter blinked to life, having stuck with the group but 'blended' into the background, remaining semi-aware of the events going on around them. Wide green eyes appraised each of the individual pilots and their new 'father', waiting for opportunity to present its self. It eventually did - the first step towards joining/forging the group together. Shock and fear were the conditions under which people were most open to new conditions. The shot did not cause Demeter to flinch, but it did another. A girl with long black hair, appearing rather fragile in the military situation, nearly screamed. Shock. It was safe to assume that she had not been expecting to be drawn into this kind of life any time soon, and so this would all be very confusing. From confusion, fear. And from both, a chance to begin. The green haired...girl or boy approached Manami, first bringing a hand down to her shoulder and giving a reassuring squeeze, and then a smile. This was not Demeter's smile, but rather one that had been 'trained' into their mind, done to create an image of a truly kind person. It was slight, but was undoubtedly full of that 'kindness' they were trying to portray. Again, this was not their smile. Demeter said nothing to Manami, leaving it at that and instead focusing on Lorenzo. "I have a question, if I may sir." Demeter 'computer' got to work, considering the options for a question and the exact wording through it, going through several iterations of the question before concluding on the preferable version. "Putting aside our expendable nature, what should we be expecting in the next few weeks? I imagine there will be some form of training regimen, as not all of us have piloted before. But given the ad hoc nature of our transport here, it probably will not be for too long - it did all seem rather urgent, after all." Collective interest, a question which would give everyone a vague idea of what was to come if answered sufficiently. Hope, pointing out how, at least by necessity of timing, they were not completely expendable. Personal gain, displaying an aptitude for situational analysis.