I'm liking what I see so far. Hopefully as the week winds down for people we can get a few more applications, and ideally we can get started by Saturday or Sunday. 5, I think, is a good minimum to start with, 10 being the stretch goal... every soul on the planet, of course, being endgame. But what do you guys think? Would want to start tomorrow or would you prefer we push it 'till Monday? [quote=Gisk]"Yes! I am so much more than the smoking, and the drinking! And the bullshit! I tried to get you to quit, but you always find a way to bring me down to your level! I'm sick of it." He turned back to the door, and she hurled the pipe against the wall, where it shattered. "If you leave, I'll overdose. I'll kill myself!" Dana held a shaking hand on he door knob for a moment longer, and said over his shoulder, "I'm sick of the emotional abuse too. I'm not responsible for your actions." And he walked out. [/quote] 0_0 I couldn't think of a more pleasant note to start on. [quote=RBYDark](There also seems to be a tiny typo in the History of Puerto Libre - specifically, fourth bullet point under European contact)[/quote] T-thanks, senpai <3