"Mari, play some music!" Marinette watched with a smug amusement as Hazard returned to his old self, rolling in the grass, almost as if to shake off the affections she and Mantam had showered him with. He was someone who could be serious when he needed to, but obviously preferred to keep things light and carefree, it was something she admired in him. In Ness' experience, it was those types of people that always made for the most chill bros. She took another puff and exhaled, "[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXWcl1gKjPg&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNXWcl1gKjPg&has_verified=1]Oh, I got the perfect one![/url]" She changed the function of her... weird... rose-thing... from headphone to speaker and leaned against the cave wall in a way that found her slowly sliding down, until she sat in the grass. She toyed with the cigar, keeping it just out of his reach, before tossing it into the air, game logic dictated he'd probably catch it perfectly in his mouth. "Y'know what I wanna do?" She leaned against the wall, just barely hearing Mantam address Prince inside the Cave, "Go out and fuck some shit up-- like really--- I like the social aspect of this game, but a lot of the time, I wanna go do something crazy, like... team fight a lvl. 20 orc or something. Y'know?"