Ashlyn gave a lighthearted giggle. It was good to see that he was eager to get started then. Though, she couldn't say she shared his enthusiasm about the Cruxi. Studying them? Nothing good could come from that. They should burn the lot of them, and focus on forging their own path and scientific progress. She saw the value in understanding your enemy, to be sure, but she didn't think taking their technology and making use of it themselves would ever be a good thing. Still, no need to argue with him for now. After all, they were going to be working together and it was just a small difference in ideals. Nothing that would harm the immediate functionality of their group. Before she got a chance to respond, however, Lorenzo replied to the both of them. He was doing that on purpose, wasn't he? [i]"So that's how it's going to be..."[/i] She thought as she folded her arms, and gave Lorenzo a seemingly friendly smile that hid her irritation with the man quite well. [b]"No,"[/b] She quietly began, silently apologizing to her deceased father. [b]"I am sure we will be told everything we need to for us to do our job to the fullest extent of our capabilities. Anything else, is irrelevant, for now...[i]father[/i]."[/b] She finished giving a slight bow of her head, though her trigger finger began tapping her arm. He better be glad she had her gun confiscated. It was then that the boy she had spoken to not moments before, had just asked to not be talked down to in such a demeaning way. Well. For someone claiming to be smart, he didn't know how to read the situation very well. The doctor then did something that perhaps she should have expected, but still surprised her. He pulled a gun, and shot the kids...whatever he was playing with. Poor kid...she should try to say something to him after this. He didn't look particularly shaken up, but being shot at would probably make anyone a little uneasy. The girl who had covered her mouth to muffle a scream though, she would definitely try to talk to. She turned her head and gave her a re-assuring smile, in hopes of trying to calm her for now. That stunt did make it clear, however, that she and this doctor person, were not going to get along so well. He was doing a fairly poor job at being in command here, as far as she was concerned. Still, doing anything now wold be asking to get killed, and she rather liked living. And then came the question, that only an idiot would ask. If they were expendable. That was just going to cause some of the others here to freak out more than they already were. She refrained from saying anything though. When the doc answered, she got exactly the answer she expected. Playthings. That was all they were to him. She didn't know who made him in charge here, but it must have been some mindless, hairy oaf of an ape. She didn't care how smart this jackass was. It was then another of the people had spoken, asking about what was in store for them in the next few weeks. That, was a good question. She gave the one who asked it a brief glance. She would have liked to ask a similar question now, but she had told the doctor she didn't have any. That was before he almost shot one of them, and asking now...she wasn't sure how the doctor would react. She was fairly certain he would answer, but he seemed quite...unstable. Plus, asking now would seem a bit...degrading.