[b]Alex Clark - Cabin - Danny/Rob[/b] He blinked his eyes as if a glass of ice-cold water had been thrown in his face when he learned that the hostage not released was a child. A bloody child. He frowned and sighed deeply as he let his face rest in his hands, leaning heavily on the table. This entire fucking situation... Danny however, or Rudy, whatever he was, stood up and decided that he would go save her together with Shannon, and Alex looked up at him with newfound respect and a tingue of sadness. Somewhere he had hoped for Danny to return, but alas. He followed the group towards the next room, where he leaned against the wall, trying to stay awake as Rudy began his speech. [b]"We have some bad news, Enrique didn't release all his hostages. He took one, a girl named Emma. She's not much older than this kid here. Her brother was killed by Thomas... Or Tyler I guess, back in Haywood. I don't want to say that it was our fucking fault, because it was mostly mine, I think. I'm indebted to this girl in a way. But, fuck, it's more than that. My friend Shannon and I, we're going after Enrique. We're not dumb, we're not going to rain fire we don't fuckin' have on them, but we're going to find a way. All of you, Rob, Finch, my friends from Outpost, you can choose where you go from here. I won't say Emma needs you more than Outpost because it just isn't true, but right now she means everything to us, so it's up to you if you... if you come with us."[/b] Alex overthought the conqequenses of what Danny had just said. He sighed as he let his eyes scan the gathered crowd, and before he had much chance to see what their choice would be, James, Elliot and Richard were prepared to join Danny. He himself felt conflicted. He wanted to help Danny save that girl. After all what Enrique had done it was the right thing to do. But could he really abandon the Outpost? Looking at the Scouts, a bunch of exhausted, demoralized and disappointed men, he knew that that was all that protected the Outpost from the crawlers and other humans. They were needed, however pitiful they looked. A wry smile broke through on his face as he realized he probably looked pitiful aswell. A short moment later it was clear that the group around Shannon, those used as hostages during the stand-off earlier that day; would join Danny and Shannon, while the Scouts remained indecisive, waiting untill someone of their own group'd give an example. [b]"Sylar would want to go after them,"[/b] Cody muttered, but did not add anything about what he was going to do either. [b]"I'd feel better if you came back to Outpost. But... I don't know."[/b] Lucas added to Cody's words. Alex stepped forwards and sighed deeply. [b]"We are, thanks to our actions, as much responsable for that girl's safety now as the safety of the people back at the Outpost."[/b] He began, avoiding calling the Outpost his home. He still did not feel anything near 'at home' there at all. [b]"Helping to save that girl is the right thing to do, but we cannot leave the Outpost unprotected."[/b] He continued, looking at the scouts gathered in the cabin. [b]"I suggest that we split in two groups, one with most of the firearms we still have to protect the Outpost, that still has to be our number one priority, to create a safehaven in this mess of a world, and that another group will aid in saving that girl, Emma."[/b] Alex said, adding her name to give some more personality to who or what they were saving. [b]"I'll be going to save that little girlwith Danny and Shannon."[/b] Despite some approving nods and a thankful gaze of Shannon, he just felt as if he signed his own will.