Finally, a question he was waiting for. Lorenzo's nature completely changed in the blink of an eye from his 'insane' side to a gentlemanly one as he walked over to a cabinet and took out a bottle of unopened soda. "Feel free to help yourselves, there are snacks here as well," he said as if the way he treated them before didn't even happen as he promptly took out a key and opened a safe containing a wine bottle and a glass. Closing the safe he returned to the table, poured himself a glass and looked over the kids before signaling for them to help themselves to whatever they wanted before continuing. "It was urgent, however, you are mistaken if you believe we will begin anything right off the bat. You wont be piloting anything yet, nor will you be doing anything serious in the up coming weeks... you will however be working on getting to know one another everyday with minimal contact. You will all be pretty much locked in your rooms with absolutely nothing for one week to see how well you handle solitary confinement and stress before breaking. Everyday you will be evaluated and tested by me and I will see how well you are mentally and physically. Depending on how things go, you'll receive privileges such as radios or other such things and you will receive a special score." Taking a gulp from his glass, Lorenzo looked down at the floor, tapping his foot before continuing. "This score will then decide whether you live or die as pilots, and whether or not you will begin the real training as pilots... this is why I suggest you, my children, to call me father, because I'm going to be the only one you will be seeing besides each other for the next week or so." It was at this moment that Lorenzo received another call on his comm-link. A tad annoyed, he raised his hand and covered his ear before speaking. "What is it now...? I'm busy speaking with my children." There was a pause. "The new ship was what?!" Lorenzo's face grew pale as he suddenly yelled and shot up from his seat. "HOW?!" There was only another pause as he listened before kicking the the table into the wall and punching the wall hard with a loud thumb, resting his head against his arm as he listened. "No... NO! You are lying to me! This can't be happening! Not now! We haven't even started the project! How the fuck did that even happen?!" Another long pause happened. Lorenzo went quiet as Spartans soon entered the room, looking at both him and the kids before he grunted before kicking the table again. "Sir..." one of the Spartans began to speak, nodding at him and at the kids in the room, before quickly going quiet as Lorenzo raised his hand. "I know... I know. I'm just fucking frustrated of all the years I may have potentially wasted... The staff already knows what to do with all of our data here; transfer it then destroy everything else. We're abandoning the facility..." It was then that Lorenzo looked at the kids, "Looks like Papa has to take us all somewhere else. It isn't safe here anymore." ---- Boris couldn't help but laugh as the Admiral was gawking over the ship. "Pretty nice, ain't it? Yeah, it's a beauty... it's also specially made for you and your crew, I tell you what. If you have any questions, I'd be sure to-" As he was about to finish, a call came to him on his his datapad linked to his forearm. "Boris here. What's the problem?" "BORIS! You there? You are aware of the delayed transport, correct?" spoke the nervous woman on the other end. "Yeah... Calm down. Jeez. What about it?" He said as he looked towards Airick. "It was damaged! It was found by a Cruxi fighter on the way here while it was on its way here... but it lost the fighter due to its stealth systems..." "Then what is the bad news, madam?" "The Cruxi fighter wasn't shooting lasers at the transport... it was shooting high powered tracking beacons... and it was hit. We currently have three large Cruxi fleets inbound on the facility as we speak! We need to evacuate everyone NOW!" shouted the woman as loud as she could towards Boris and Airick.