Drake immediately forgot about his woes of mortal demise at the sound of the word 'snacks'. He cautiously made his way over to the cabinet, keeping an eye on Lorenzo just in case. Once he arrived, he began picking out various candies, chocolates, and other sweets from it, only paying a marginal amount of attention to what the psycho was saying. He had just grabbed a soda when he heard Lorenzo begin to curse, then say they weren't safe. Not safe, when surrounded by Banshees, Spartans, Omegas, and having the fucking Yamaguchi in their front yard. That meant one thing and one thing only, the Cruxi were coming. The soda in his hand exploded as his fist clenched unconsciously, the sharp claws of his prosthetic easily piercing the plastic bottle. A rush of emotions and thoughts filled his head. Excitement, fear, curiosity, Rage, bloodlust. [i]'I want to see them'[/i] was his first thought, [i]'and I want to kill them'[/i], his second. His eyes went cold, his hear was steel. He was a soldier now, and he would do what ever his commanding officer said.