Roze watched on incredulously as Elijah rang both his mother and his cousin. At first, the idea of a traced call didn't even dawn on her, at the simple shock of her realization that this guy was still in contact with his family. It had never even occurred to her, despite all the talk of his 'Momma', that he still talked with them. That he even had a family. [i]I've been without family for too long.[/i] She thought to herself sadly, feeling almost guilty at the assumption that anyone like her would have no-one to love, or fall back on. As he laid out their options for her in a voice that had suddenly become serious, she paused, thinking of them. Running and hiding wasn't much of an option. She had a few contacts that she could trust, but none of them were in LA, and there was no way in hell that they could get out of the city now. What with what was going on, it would be on complete lockdown. However, she did know a few safehouses - some that had been set up prior to her involvement with the government, so they shouldn't know about them. Stepping forward and placing a hand - with an almost sympathetic touch - on his shoulder, she looked up at him. "In terms of going to help, I'm not sure it's such a good idea. We're pretty high on the list of 'shoot-to-kill', I'd reckon, so showing up and waving a white flag won't do us any favours. But running... look, they probably managed to trace that call, so we need to leave. Bring as much weapons as we can carry, and I can drive us to a safehouse I know about. We can stay there until..." She trailed off, unsure of how to finish her sentence. "Well.... just until." She finished softly, shaking her head slightly. Her mind couldn't help drifting back to all those bodies... why all those innocents? She could understand targeting the FBI, but just civilians... One thing was for sure. They were dealing with some pretty sick Metas.