She jerked violently as a hand touched her shoulder. Manami looked up to see a reassuring smile from a green haired girl. How... how can they be so calm in a situation like this? A bit further off another girl flashed her a smile as well. Despite herself, she felt a little bit better. Surely if she could survive this, she would be able to go home. Hopefully... maybe... Something to hold on to at least. The snacks the professor brought out didn't feel right however, as the sinking feeling in her stomach grew heavier, before his offhand comment about what they were going to face confirmed her fears. Solitary confinement... that was the thing they would use in prison to punish people in tv. It would be even worse for the girls, since she doubted anyone would know or care enough to act if people got raped during the duration. Which would almost certainly happen since the professor revealed they were also very expendable. [b]"I know... I know. I'm just fucking frustrated of all the years I may have potentially wasted... The staff already knows what to do with all of our data here; transfer it then destroy everything else. We're abandoning the facility... Looks like Papa has to take us all somewhere else. It isn't safe here anymore."[/b] While Manami was only half listening to the professor's words, them going to abandon the facility they had just arrived in did not bode well. There were guards everywhere, with people wielding guns as well. If the professor felt threatened, then that means whatever it was wouldn't be fazed by guns or their numbers. She didn't wanna die, but her fears made her legs feel like limp noodles. Hopefully that kid there with some sort of idiotic streak doesn't get them all killed with his stupidity.