Finding a large staff, something like a twisted, tense piece of wood; Cayden picked it up off the ground and was surprised with his acceptance of the weapon. It wasn't too heavy, neither too light... It felt good in his hand, as if it could do some serious damage. And against a monster with a drill on his head that's exactly what he wanted to do. A cry tore his eyes from the stick. He looked up only to see Tsunomon flying through the air, the outskirts of the dense forest a window to the scene. One of the boys had pushed him out the way, saved him. But now Tsuno was flying through the sky. “Tsunomon! I'm coming!” He barked, dropping the stick as he ran towards his [i]friend[/i]. Running as hard as he could, he was ignorant of the dazzling light emitting from his pants pocket. But gazing up at Tsunomon, he noticed the brillance covering him. Tsunomon was as bright as a beacon, it forced him to halt. He raised his arm over his eyes and a moment later, felt the force of a blast push him backwards. He couldn't comprehend what had happened. What was that blast? Where did it come from? And where was Tsunomon? He asked himself as he caught his breath. “Tsunomon!” yelled the youth, his eyes still adjusting to the lesser light. “Call me Hackmon, Cay. That's my new name.” A adolescent, roguish voice told him. Slowly he lowered his arm. “New name? This isn't the time for jokes,” He said, un-amused. His arm fell to his side, and in front of him, facing off with the side of a struggling Drimogemon; was a gleaming white dragon. Armor plated with white steel and powerful yellow eyes... a crimson mantle swaying from its neck. It literal took his breath away. “Who are you?” Cayden asked. “I'm the person that's going to save this worrrld!” He yelled, a roar echoing with his final word. A painful growl escaped the enemy as a gray-furred digimon attacked it; it was new to the struggle as well. In fact, now that he looked around, there was light everywhere. “This is crazy,” he muttered to himself. The background noise of the battle, the tremoring as the enemy fell to his back, the eerie screech of a foreign noise. It all added to his confusion. Hackmon growled with white passion before leaping towards the Digimon. High in the sky, he let loose glistening flames from his maw; the burning stream exploding inside the hole Drimogemon was trapped in. The damage was maximized, leaving the Digimon barely alive inside, still struggling to get out. Cayden rubbed the back of his head, unknowingly snapping the goggles hanging off his neck against his throat. The pain brought clarity to his thoughts, it made everything clearer. He watched Hackmon fall back to the ground off to the side of it. And knew then, as his motions were undeniably similar to Tsunomons, that they were related some in form. He ran up behind the Digimon, ready to fight with him. “After this, you're going to tell me where Tsunomon is,” He demanded.