After witnessing the rather pathetic attempt to impress with bees, Vero silently got up and made his way to the bar, where he ordered a martini: the only alcoholic beverage he ever drinks, though one he had grown quite fond of. He drank it slowly, savoring the flavor as he twirled an olive toothpick around the glass with his pinky. His last mission was rather dull, and he felt the need to do something more exciting. Maybe fighting a decently good wizard? or exploring a cave to rescue someone trapped? His thoughts were cut short when he heard a voice behind him. It was clearly the master's. Pollux started off by announcing a pair of new guild members. One a fragile looking angel and the other simply seaweed. He made the air sparkle around the angel but otherwise kept to himself, quiety sipping on his martini. Then Master Pollux went on to talk about his.... retirement? Vero spat out a tiny spray of martini in surprise, looking around nervously to see if anyone had seen his embarrassing reaction. While he'd never considered Pollux to be much more than a fatherly figure to the guild, the news still upset him. Sipping the last of his martini, he gave a swish of the hand as a magical seal appeared at his feet. His body shimmered, then melted away as he turned invisible. Since the guild was in an uproar over this news, it would be a good time to take on a mission, as Vero abhorred loud ruckus. Staying close to the walls, so as to minimize the chance of someone bumping into him, he snuck over to the request board where a mission had caught his eye. Catching a bank robber. Apprehending had always been a bit of a specialty of Vero's, and the reward was quite nice. He reached for the paper, but stopped when his ears picked up Pollux's voice talking about Blue Pegasus. That piqued Vero's interest. Had his mentor not spoken so highly of Fairy Tail, Vero would have joined Blue Pegasus instead, for it had a reputation for being home to many a grand gentlemen. Still maintaining his invisibility, he snuck up behind the ones Pollux was talking to, which happened to be Zy, the same idiot who had failed miserably at swooning his poor azalea, and the wizard Mary, whom he called Daffodil. The two had begun bickering amongst each other, which Vero only sighed at. He put a hand on Zy's shoulder, and cancelled his invisibility spell. "Now, Zy..." Vero spoke in a very practiced and refined soothing voice. "This won't work with just the two of you. We both know that. You'll need my help on this mission. Especially considering how you are with the ladies..." He released his hand from Zy's shoulder, bringing a finger in front of Zy's face. A menacing-looking hornet was perched on the finger, with glowing red eyes. It crawled around until it turned to face Zy, when it froze, giving a very menacing gaze for an insect.