John was taken off guard when someone called him on his cellphone and he answered it. Whoever the person was they told him to go a van that was used by the FBI and that independent hero work was at an end. He was getting use to being on his own and no doubt many other metahumans would despise the idea of working with the government, but John was interested in seeing action so he complied. It took a small series of incredible jumps to get to the van and was taken to a place he didn't really recognize, but he did notice that Light was there as well which meant that she must have been summoned by whoever had called them. The person then introduced themselves as Constantine Ramiel King, and told them about the FBI building being blown up. "I'm not surprised that the FBI are being targeted, with how the internet is painting the government nowadays, it's only a matter of time before there's another civil war. If I get to crack skulls then I'm in, my time with the government was pretty fun. I hope you're used to seeing blood, because you'll see a lot of it when I start fighting" John said as his hand changed into claws.