"Light, Bio-Beast, good to meet you," spoke Constantine. "Anyway, as I said, we need all the help we can get, and, yes Bio, that involves cracking heads. That said, though, I have a friend just a year younger than your [i]real[/i] age; you might want to meet him first." He then turned to Elena. "Elena, in order to prevent such tragedies from happening...in the forseeable future, I suggest the formation of a Rapid Response Team composed of Metas. Not just that, but we should also take precautions against Copycat massacres." He then smiled. "In fact, I have three candidates right now for the RRT," the man spoke, pointing to Bio-Beast/John Hammer, Light, and Twist/Pamela. "I know they're not up to your usual standards, but, well, we're short-handed right now.