[quote=DiamondBlizzard] You could've done it anyway >.< it's not a big workload unless it's 8+ games in total. Eh, need to wait for Sim to do sales, I'll move on up to Q2 after he does them.I STILL NEED A CO-GM! [/quote] True, but on the less... Noble side, I required more work time. I only just finished one of the games (the no marketing auto release one lol) If I am to release any game, regardless of irrelevance, I want to have put a fair bit of work in to it. I have a feeling "Adult games may be banned" ia more likely to be "this one gets banned right away" in some countries though rofl. "16 bit ghost girl with her eyes stitched shut and her chest cavity removed and replaced with a music box? A witch? Demons?! Omg, a 16 bit jump scare with a low quality corpse! Must baaaaan" If they needed more "video games ard evil" ammo, here it is. Lets just hope the game mechanics are on my side and defy the silly ban happy's... Now to work on the other games... Eeek