[b]Joseph Reed - approaching Summer City - 6:40 am[/b] The sun began to peek over the horizon as recently widowed and lonesome Joseph Reed slowly trudged along the dusty roads leading to Summer City, in his weathered truck. He had been traveling for months like this - since he lost his wife and son to the infection, he drove from town to town, in search of whatever he could get his hands on. Safety, survivors, supplies, weapons. But what Joseph mostly yearned for was an explanation. What were these creatures that took his family from him and twisted his life inside out? While Joseph had little luck in the small farm towns that he would pass through, he was still reluctant to go into the city. If things were bad out in the rural parts of the state, what would the cities be like? Joseph didn't want to find out, although after two months of searching the towns, he had little left to go through and he was growing somewhat desperate. He had a fair amount of food and his weaponry would do him proud for another few weeks, but his water supply was running dangerously low and his truck wouldn't run much longer on the little gas he had left. And so, timid but strong, Joseph decided now was the time to enter the city. His truck neared the outskirts of the city as he saw the badly weathered sign that read "Welcome to Summer City". He slowed his truck down to a stop at the sign and he could already catch the faint stench of the city. If not the rotting flesh of the undead, then it was the waste and ruin of the city. Joseph knew his truck would only attract undead should he drive it into the city. He would need to do this by foot. He pulled his truck over to a small wooded area and gathered all the supplies he could fit into his large backpack. He was able to fit everything but a half crate of canned goods. He had no idea in what shape he would find his truck when he returned to it - if it were to be broken into and searched, all he would lose is some food. For good measure, he threw his green tarp over the truck before he left. It wasn't as if the tarp would totally camouflage the truck, but it would make it less appealing at best. And so, with the rising sun and growing nerves, Joseph approached the borders of Summer City by foot.