Mantam smiled at Prince's jape. "If only." She said sarcastically to the thought of Cynthia naked. Mantam found the joking to end rather quickly as her vision was consumed by an unfamiliar face. Her first thought was that she had been hacked. Due to the uniqueness of Paradise hacking could have some pretty disastrous effects, and although the security was [i]supposed[/i] to be very tight, people always found a way. However, she quickly found out to her horror that this wasn't the case. The man spoke of tantalizing riches, but the words hardly registered in her mind. What did register was [b]"However, there is a high price to pay for failing. Die in the game, and you'll find you won't be waking up any time soon. If your family members decide to try and remove you from your game device, you will die. If you attempt to leave the game in anyway, via hacks or other means, you will die."[/b] Mantam's face quickly turned to shock. "This is some kind of practical joke, right?" She said, with a forced laugh tailing her sentence. She quickly tore open the menu, and moved for the logout button to find that there was no such thing. Her head began to swim, [i]This can't be real, there's no way this is actually happening.[/i] But she could feel it. The way that man spoke, he was telling the truth. No ordinary hack would have the ability to project a message like that, let alone remove the logout button. [i]I could... die? I can't leave? I don't want to die... I don't want any of this.[/i] "There's no way this is..." She felt the words caught in her throat. She couldn't handle this. This was no joke. No game company would make a joke like this, there would be too much backlash. This was real. She knew it. And she couldn't handle it. She closed her eyes, and when they opened again she found herself advancing rapidly towards the ground. Mantam passed out.