[b] Emma - Bed & Breakfast - The Pack [/b] Emma observed Enrique's eyes as he stared at her. Slowly, he cracked a smile and laughed a little bit. "I like that, Chiquita... She has nerves - I like that." He pointed at her with his right index finger, stepping towards her. "Aye, see that's what all of you boys need..." He looked to Trey and motioned inside. "Take her inside, get her something to eat." Trey nodded and gripped Emma by the arm, pulling her towards the building. He closed the back door, and led her to one of the rooms. The room was furnished with a bed, a desk, and a broken television. Trey dropped his rucksack on the desk and unzipped it, producing a large can of soup. He pulled out a large bag of utensils and pulled out a spoon, replacing the bag. "Hope you like vegetable soup..." He muttered, sliding the can and spoon across the desk. He produced a knife and began to offer it to her, but then hesitated and picked up the can. He worked the lid of the can off and then returned it to it's place. Emma took the can and ate quickly; trying desperately to satiate her hunger. Trey looked at her, slightly amused. "When was the last time you ate?" He asked. She gazed towards him, but didn't respond. "Not very talkative... I see." The man nodded slightly. Emma sat the can down when she was finished. "Keep the spoon." He said. She slid the utensil into her pocket, straightening herself. Trey set a bottle of water on the desk and zipped his bag, sliding it onto his shoulders. "Like I said earlier.... don't do anything stupid." He went towards the door and opened it. "Why do you follow him?" Emma questioned before he left. The man turned his head in surprise, but his eyes seemed to search for his answer. "Enrique.... has some dark methods. He also has dogma and I respect him for that. He's also saved my life several times." Trey said. "Everyone has their problems, but not everyone is as respectable as Enrique." With that, he closed the door and walked away."